Is there software where you can enter the recipe and it calculates exchanges?

My husband is a diabetic and I work for a physician where I help other diabetics and their spouses learn how to change their method of eating. I also have recently started teaching a program that focuses on healthy eating and has learned to convert recipes to exchanges. Is there a software program that is available that you can enter the recipe and it will give you exchanges? Thank you for your help.

Don’t know of any software that will convert recipes into exchanges as that is a very difficult process. I have written algorithms for a software program to convert whole foods into exchanges, but it made a lot of mistakes. So, I had to exchange foods by hand and it took a long time to exchange 5,000+ foods!

Any nutrition software package should have a dietitian involved in the development or the software may have errors in formulas or nutrient data. A food database should be updated at least once every year and should contain basic foods and brand name foods as well as restaurant foods.

If you hear of any software that converts recipes into exchanges, please reply.