After I eat, I feel heavy in my head an very sluggish.

I would experience low sugar spells before the following control habits. I have been on a dietitian planned diet (6-7 small balanced meals) and exercise daily. Immediately after I eat, I feel extremely heavy in my head and very sluggish. It takes 30-45 minutes for the feeling to subside before I feel fine again....

Which diet is right for hypoglycemia?

Thank you so much for answering my question about which diet is right for hypoglycemia! I worried a lot about it and was pretty confused by the different advice from my internist and dietitian, as well as from several sources on the Net. Thanks to you. I feel more weaponed in the confusing world...

I have hypoglycemia. Should I eat the way my body reacts and experiment with foods?

I have recently been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. I have been put on the proverbial high protein / low carbohydrate diet. In doing some research I have found many discrepancies on just what a hypoglycemic diet is. Example: the diet my doctor gave me lists pancakes and waffles as foods I can eat. Other lists...

My doctor told me I have reactive hypoglycemia.

Recently, my doctor told me I have a condition known as reactive hypoglycemia, which he explained could be a precursor of diabetes. I know I have to change the way I eat to stabilize my blood sugar, but I don't know what to eat to both lose weight and treat these sudden drops of...

I am a recovering bulimic and am in fear of how my diet affects my life.

I was surfing the net trying to find all the info I could find on hypoglycemia. I am a recovering bulimic. Both my parents are alcoholics. My father is a "rageaholic". I think this stems from a sugar disorder. I am also in recovery for money issues. I am debt free, but I still use...

I follow a hypoglycemia diet of 45% carbohydrate, 25% protein and 30% fat with 1500 calories.

I am really enjoying your web page. I just recently graduated from Junior College as a Dietetic Technician. But I am not ending my education as a DT. I am starting at the University in the Fall to become a Registered Dietitian. Through my two years of training, I had never seen so much information...

How do I contact a nutrition practitioner in Norway, who has experience working with hypoglycemia?

I need to get in contact with a nutrition practitioner in Norway, who have experience working with hypoglycemia. Do you know anyone or anywhere to contact? Thanks. Try contacting the Norwegian Dietetic Association.

I have reactive hypoglycemia and have been getting so much advice lately that am totally confused.

I'm also recently diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia. (Although I think I've always been hypo as I used to faint a lot as a child). I've been getting so much strange advice lately that am totally confused. This is what I do know now: (please tell me if I'm wrong) Ketosis is BAD - they kept...