What can I eat with acid reflux, IBS, lactose intolerance, and diverticulosis?
I am a 58-year-old female who is a bit of a challenge, I have been diagnosed with acid reflux, IBS, lactose intolerant, and diverticulosis (the less severe one). What can I eat, NOT what I cannot eat? Any suggestions? My life is miserable. One thing or another causes problems. Your help would be appreciated!
I’m allergic to cantaloupe, watermelon and bananas. What other fruits are similar?
Thirteen years ago I became allergic to cantaloupe. I had eaten it all my life so it took awhile to find out what was making me sick. By sick, I mean vomiting, diarrhea, and cold sweats. About seven years ago bananas did the same thing, three years ago it was watermelon. Now there are...
I suffer from canker sores. Could I have a nutritional deficiency?
I constantly suffer from canker sores. Every time I bite my lip, go to the dentist, jab myself with the toothbrush, I inevitably end up with one. I've tried everything: lysine supplements, zinc, vitamin C, yogurt and antibiotics from my doctor when they get unbearable. These things may lessen the severity, but nothing really...
I have searched the Internet for a list of foods for a bland diet.
I have searched the Internet for a list of foods which would be on a bland diet. Can you help me? I would greatly appreciate the diet.
Prior to 1991, bland nutrition therapy was used to treat gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), ulcers (sores in the stomach or intestines) and reflux esophagitis (inflammation of...
I have hemorrhoids and I was wondering if this is related to my poor eating habits?
I have a question. I know I have an eating disorder of some sort. I alternate between overeating and extreme diets. Anyway, I have hemorrhoids, and I was wondering if this condition is at all related to my poor eating habits? If you could also give me any information on eating disorders it would...
I have Crohn’s disease. My fingernails are brittle and peeling. Could this be from a deficiency in a certain vitamin?
I spoke with you awhile back about different diets for Crohn's disease. I have another question for you. My fingernails are brittle and peeling. Could this be from a deficiency in a certain vitamin? I am currently having a flare up with Crohn's and I am at home on a TPN. I add iron...
As a registered dietitian in Canada, I have concern about people questions regarding milk products for those who are lactose intolerant.
I have just been to your website. As a registered dietitian in Canada, I was interested in your Q & A site. I have a concern about people's questions regarding milk products for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk.
Those who are allergic to milk, are usually allergic to the protein, often...
What is bran?
What is bran? You hear so much about fiber and bran lately. My grandmother used to tell us to eat roughage. Why? Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away?
Bran is the brown, outer covering of cereal grains such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, and rice. The body does not digest...
Our daughter who is 4 seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going without for 4 to 5 days.
Our daughter, who is four, seems to have less than normal bowel movements sometimes going four to five days without. The last couple of bowel movements have been hard and we have seen traces of blood in the stool. Our pediatrician has prescribed Dulcolax, a stool softener, twice daily with no real success. The...
Can a gallbladder burst like an appendix?
Hello, I have a brother, 24 years old who lives in Southern California. My other brother and I are trying to help him out. He has been taken by ambulance numerous times to different hospitals that send him straight to a county hospital. (He has no insurance). The county Doctor told him he needs...