I am wondering about what kinds of food can I substitute for breads?

Hello, I’m 32 and have been diagnosed with many allergies, some I knew about others I didn’t. One I am concerned about is gluten, the others are both kinds of yeast. I am wondering about what kinds of things I can substitute in my diet for bread and such, any suggestions would be helpful.

First, how were you diagnosed with gluten intolerance? Diagnosis should include testing your blood for antibodies (IgA TTG and EMA) and possibly an endoscopy with a biopsy of your small intestinal wall. Gluten intolerance is not a food allergy, but an immune disorder. Typically, persistent diarrhea, bloating and stomach discomfort after eating wheat is the most common symptom. Nutrition therapy which eliminates foods with gluten is the only treatment.

Rice, potato or corn flour, buckwheat, soy, tapioca, and quinoa are substituted for wheat, rye, and barley that contain gluten which are in many foods. Oats are only allowed if they are manufactured in a plant not manufacturing or milling any wheat, rye or barley ingredients. Vegetable protein products including bacon toppings which may contain wheat protein and soy sauce contain gluten as well. I would suggest you contact a registered dietitian for a detailed list and an individualized meal plan.

There seems to be a popular notion that yeast in food products causes yeast (candida) infections of the gut. Eating yeast products like bread or bakery products (baker’s yeast) or fermented alcoholic beverages like beer (brewer’s yeast) does not cause a candida infection in the stomach or intestines. Candida is part of the normal flora on the skin and in the large bowel with no negative effect unless a person is critically ill from another cause. Candida can infect the uterus or bladder as well as thrush in the throat which often accompanies chemotherapy or radiation of the mouth or throat. Candida infections can occur in patients who have had abdominal surgery, organ transplants, HIV / AIDS, suppressed immune systems or people with feeding tubes. Yeast infections can effectively be treated with antifungal medications. I would recommend you discuss a yeast allergy further with your doctor.