I own a restaurant. One person has requested a GFML diet. I am unfamiliar with this.


I own a restaurant in Minneapolis. I have a large group coming on Tuesday and one person has requested a GFML diet. I am unfamiliar with this and cannot find any information on this type of diet. I have even telephoned several nutritionists in the Twin Cities area and no one has any idea. Do you have any information on this type of diet?

Thank you in advance for your time and effort.

GMML stands for a gluten-free meal. People who have gluten intolerance cannot eat any wheat, rye or barley. Oatmeal cannot be harvested with equipment that is used with wheat, rye or barley or manufactured in a plant that processes wheat, rye or barley to be considered gluten-free.

I would recommend you evaluate your menu items to help your customer identify foods they can order.