What can I eat with acid reflux, IBS, lactose intolerance, and diverticulosis?

I am a 58-year-old female who is a bit of a challenge, I have been diagnosed with acid reflux, IBS, lactose intolerant, and diverticulosis (the less severe one). What can I eat, NOT what I cannot eat? Any suggestions? My life is miserable. One thing or another causes problems. Your help would be appreciated! First...

What are the symptoms of celiac disease?

I have a few comments on your gluten response. Its symptoms are continuous diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, weight loss, and anemia. These are just some of the possible symptoms and are the most common. However, one may not have these and may have others like constipation. I think you should say these are "possible"...

I have a horrible metallic feel, not taste in my mouth.

I have a horrible metallic "feel", not really a taste in my mouth. I went to my doctor and he said I need all my fillings out because of a leakage that can cause a problem with the "electrical" system in my body and possibly lead to cancer later. I went to my dentist and...

I plan to see a nutritionist in order to develop an eating plan for irritable bowel syndrome.

I'll make this quick: I was browsing through your FAQs and couldn't spot one for irritable bowel syndrome. I plan to see a nutritionist in order to develop an eating plan to deal with this disorder. I usually eat 3 meals a day, but I find that I can't predict "when" I'm going to...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have stomach or intestinal problems?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have stomach or intestinal problems? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to services provided...

I breastfed my daughter until she was 6 months old. Then 2% milk, but she had bad cramps and diarrhea.

I breastfed my daughter until she was six months old. Then I switched her to 2% milk. She had bad cramps and diarrhea. Her doctor did lots of tests on her after she was taken off milk. He also gave her a calcium supplement. She was four years old last summer and can now...

I have irritable bowel syndrome with a lot of acid in my system.

I came across your website while doing a search for acid Succininum. I have irritable bowel syndrome. I recently went through "electrodermal screening" and this acid came up as being too high in my system. I understand this acid may be a product of the digestive system. What I'm wondering is if certain foods...

I read in a magazine about ProFibe. Do you know where to locate it?

I recently read in a magazine about ProFibe. I am having a lot of difficulties locating it in the natural food stores. Can you give me any ideas on where to locate it? Thank you very much. Haven't a clue. My question is why do you want to use it? What are the reported benefits?...

I have gas all the time. Do you have any suggestions for this?

I have gas all the time. No matter what or when I eat. This is very sad and very embarrassing (at work, church, with friends). Do you have any suggestions for this problem? I do not want people to start calling me "ms odor but". Please reply. Thanks. You do not say if you are burping...

I like 2% milk and my doctor told me to switch to skim milk because I’m on a low cholesterol diet.

I like 2% milk and my doctor told me to switch to skim milk because I'm on a low cholesterol diet, I don't like skim milk. It looks blue and watered down. Isn't 2% milk OK to drink? I have only one glass a day. You should follow your doctor's advice and switch to skim...