After baking an apple pie, does it contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples in it?

Does an apple pie, after baking, still contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples that went into it?

Mostly yes other than some fiber is lost when the apple is peeled for the pie and some vitamin C is lost during baking. Apples are a source of vitamin C (14% Daily Value for a medium raw apple), potassium (5% DV) and low in other nutrients. The peel does add fiber (17% DV) so the fiber would be lower since the apple peel would be removed in apple pie and the vitamin C would be lower (10% DV for 1/8 of a 9″ pie) due to heat during baking. The vitamin C in the apples (8.4 milligrams) would be one nutrient affected by baking a pie. Potassium is a mineral and like calcium, so it is not lost in cooking. Your apple pie should have the majority of nutrients of the fresh apples that went into it.

One slice of apple pie is a source of thiamin and niacin and contains less than 10% iron, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin C, and phosphorus. A pie crust of flour, healthy oils like soybean or Canola and salt adds the following nutrients – fat (30% Daily Value), thiamin (15% DV), riboflavin (10% DV) and niacin (10% DV) if the crust is made from enriched flour, and vitamin E (15% DV), folate (9% DV), iron (10% DV), manganese (14%), selenium (17%). When making a crust, you can add half the salt in the recipe or leave it out completely to reduce the sodium content (14% Daily Value).