With the cold season coming up, do you really starve a cold and feed a fever?

With the cold season coming up, do you really starve a cold and feed a fever?

No. When a person is ill, you should feed the person what they prefer, providing they are not vomiting nor have diarrhea. People with colds generally in the beginning have a poor sense of taste since their sense of smell is blocked. I would not recommend starving a person with a cold. Try hot soups, warm beverages, cooked cereals and toast. Researchers have proven that chicken soup does really help break up mucous secretions.

People with a fever need additional fluids to replace water lost through their higher body temperature. Also, more calories are burned by people with a temperature above 98.6 degrees and needs to be replaced with food as tolerated. Try six small meals per day. Generally, people with a fever prefer cool liquids, soup broth and fruit juices or plain gelatin. Encourage liquids of any kind during a fever.