How do you get rid of cellulite, that dimply fat?

I need to get in shape for summer. The only place I need to trim down is my buttocks and thighs. How do you get rid of cellulite? Or whatever that dimply fat is?

First of all, there is no such thing as cellulite. It was a word coined by people who advertise they could rid you of “lumpy” fat by using massage and passive exercise for muscles. The word cellulite refers to the type of body fat that on the surface looks like the peel of an orange, dimpled. However, body fat is body fat.

Most excess calories as fat are stored under the skin. You can also store fat in your muscles like marbling seen in meat. Your body stores excess calories from fat, protein, carbohydrates, and alcohol as fat. Anything you eat can be fattening if it is more calories than your body needs at that time.

The number of fat cells you have was determined by the time you finished growing and the number of fat cells you have is fixed. Either you keep the fat cells full or you keep them empty. (This theory is being tested for other ages and sexes such as pregnant women who may be able to make more fat cells during the last three months of a pregnancy.) Ideally, you want to have a small number of fat cells.

A fat cell has an unlimited ability to increase in size. Your body is always storing fat in preparation for a famine, which in industrialized countries almost never happens. As fat cells increase in size, you may notice a rippling effect on the surface of your skin. This process can be reduced all over your body with exercise. Choose an exercise you like so that you will stick with exercising regularly.

With exercise, you can decrease your percent of body fat and increase your percent of muscle. Most men have 18 to 20% body fat and most women have between 22 and 24% body fat. A woman’s body needs body fat in order to make estrogen, which is the hormone women need in order to ovulate. Low body fat should be considered as a possible reason for some infertility. Be reasonable. Remember, women are supposed to have curves.

I would suggest you see a qualified physical therapist, exercise physiologist or health education instructor to suggest specific exercises. Then remember that your body benefits from regular (3 to 5 times a week at 30 to 60 minutes per day) exercise. If you are over age 35 or have a health problem, see your doctor first.