
I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water plus a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty.

I am constantly thirsty. I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water, a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty. Water gets to be very boring and I know soda is really bad for me. What cold drinks are out there that do not contain sugar? I can't have citrus juices...

Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces a day?

My question is. Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces/day? Thanks. Don't know who came up with the recommendations for 8, eight-ounce glasses of water per day which would equal 64 ounces. There is no research to support this recommendation. An easier method is to pay attention to the color...

I purchased your book “Edmumd’s Food Ratings for Dieters”. Could you please tell me what king of rating various waters have?

I purchased your book "Edmund's Food Ratings for Dieters" from the UCLA bookstore on a recent visit. Could you please tell me what kind of rating various waters would have? I really enjoy your book and find it very readable and well researched. How can I find out about other foods that are not covered...

Is there a difference between room temperature and cold water as how the body uses it?

I've noticed recommendations for cold water a couple of times recently. Is there a difference between room temperature and cold water as far as how the body uses it? Cold (40 - 50 degrees F) water is absorbed more quickly from the stomach. Also, if cold water is drunk during physical exercise has the dual...

Weight loss groups recommend eight glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. If 8 were good would 16 be even better?

Thanks for the Answer to the question about the number of calories per day. You said 12 X Goal, that really helps me a lot. I have another question. I have heard how important it is to drink water. In most weight loss groups I have seen, they recommend at least eight glasses of 8-ounce...

With the warm weather, do you have any good suggestions besides KoolAid?

With the warm weather, my kids are constantly asking for something to drink. I start out giving them juice, but after a glass or two, I switch to KoolAid. Pop is too expensive and I don't want them drinking all that sugar. Do you have any good suggestions? My children are 4 and 21...