Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces a day?

My question is. Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces/day? Thanks. Don't know who came up with the recommendations for 8, eight-ounce glasses of water per day which would equal 64 ounces. There is no research to support this recommendation. An easier method is to pay attention to the color...

What should be the heaviest meal of the day?

What should be the heaviest meal of the day? Lunch or dinner? Physiologically, it doesn't matter what time of day is your heaviest meal. Actually, your body does better with 6 smaller meals per day. A heavy meal may put you to sleep, especially if it is high in carbohydrate and/or fat.

Is there any harm in eating microwave foods daily?

Is there any harm in eating microwave foods daily? Do you have any information on the effects of a microwave? Microwave cooking of food is not harmful, based on current research. In fact, microwaves preserve more of the vitamins and minerals in food because the food's exposure to heat and water is shorter than with...

I am looking for the definition of sodium erythorbate. Is it worms?

I'm looking for the definition of sodium erythorbate. It appears in hot dogs, bacon, etc. I have heard that sodium erythorbate is a euphemism for worms. Please confirm or deny this. I was wondering what exactly sodium erythorbate is. I had heard that it is salted earthworms, is this true? Thank you sincerely. Sodium erythorbate a...

It is impossible to design an amino acid deficient pure vegetarian diet.

Plants contain all the essential amino acids and any single starch or vegetable has levels that exceed Rose's Recommended Requirements (the values present in your dietetic books). It is impossible to design an amino acid deficient pure vegetarian diet that is based around any single or combination of unprocessed starches and/or vegetables (assuming calorie needs...

I started using dryer fabric sheets when I developed a rash on my face and neck.

I have a possible answer to a query posed to you on your website (below as a reminder). The symptoms the gentleman described sound exactly like those I experienced 20 years ago as a young, single soldier living in the barracks. Since I had to do my own laundry, I was very aware of...

How long should frozen berries be boiled?

How long should frozen fruit be boiled? Only until it thaws or up to ten minutes? This refers to raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries. You do not need to boil frozen fruit. Frozen fruit is best when thawed slightly. The thawed fruit can be eaten as is or added to other recipes, cooked or uncooked. Strawberries,...

With the cold season coming up, do you really starve a cold and feed a fever?

With the cold season coming up, do you really starve a cold and feed a fever? No. When a person is ill, you should feed the person what they prefer, providing they are not vomiting nor have diarrhea. People with colds generally in the beginning have a poor sense of taste since their sense...

We are studying good nutrition, My Plate, nutrition facts labeling. I am searching for sites kids can relate to.

I teach third grade and have seven online computers in my classroom. We are studying good nutrition. the food guide My Plate, nutrition facts labeling etc. I am searching for sites the kids can use to relate to the above topics. Do you have any suggestions? Here are some websites you can use in your...

I purchased your book “Edmumd’s Food Ratings for Dieters”. Could you please tell me what king of rating various waters have?

I purchased your book "Edmund's Food Ratings for Dieters" from the UCLA bookstore on a recent visit. Could you please tell me what kind of rating various waters would have? I really enjoy your book and find it very readable and well researched. How can I find out about other foods that are not covered...