I dislike most vegetables and most calorie cutting menus suggest lots of vegetables.

I have a quick question and I am hoping that you may have a suggestion. I am 5 pounds over the "healthy weight" calculated by another website. However, based on how my body looks it is more like 10 to 15 pounds. I will cut to the chase. I dislike most vegetables. I like corn,...

Is it important to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours?

Is it important to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours? It is not necessary to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours. I know Italians who do cook their sauce all day and I know Italians who cook their sauce only to serving temperature. Prolonged heat and extended cooking destroy the vitamin C in tomatoes. You...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with food labeling in food manufacturing for my business?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with food labeling in food manufacturing for my business? The Dietitians in Business and Communications dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in creating food labels for food manufacturers, sanitation, and quality control training. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of...

What are the nutritional qualities of jicima?

I found your address on the dietitian's web page. I recently discovered jicima and absolutely love it chopped up raw as a snack during the day. I'm trying to find out what its nutritional qualities are and am coming up short. Could you tell me any resources where I can find what vitamins and minerals...

Weight loss groups recommend eight glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. If 8 were good would 16 be even better?

Thanks for the Answer to the question about the number of calories per day. You said 12 X Goal, that really helps me a lot. I have another question. I have heard how important it is to drink water. In most weight loss groups I have seen, they recommend at least eight glasses of 8-ounce...

I am changing to a vegetarian in hoping to add a personal tone to my paper.

My Honors English 11 class is doing an "I-Search" paper where the student picks a topic and researches thoroughly the subject of choice. The topic I have chosen is one dealing in your area of expertise: Vegetarians and the strange diet many people are switching to every day. As part of my experience for...

For the High Holiday my healthy daughter does not want potato latkes cooked the traditional way.

Help, for the High Holiday my healthy daughter does not want potato latkes cooked the traditional way. Can you e-mail me an answer ASAP? Do you think we could spray the pan with Pam? But you would lose the wonderful "greasy" taste. Hope help is on the way! Thank you. You asked about one of...

When I eat asparagus, I find my urine has an odor.

When I eat asparagus, I find that my urine has a peculiar odor. Why is that? I understand this vegetable has cleansing abilities, if so, how does it do it and what is it exactly cleansing or detoxifying? What's asparagus noted for nutritionally? Thanks! Please let me know. Some people, notice a strong odor after eating...

My clients ask me if they should be taking ginseng or other such herbs.

This is one of my first times using the Internet and first, I must commend you on how well you promote the dietitian as the expert on reliable and professional nutritional information. I am a clinical dietitian myself and feel we need to promote ourselves more to the general public (as well as to...

I purchased your book “Edmumd’s Food Ratings for Dieters”. Could you please tell me what king of rating various waters have?

I purchased your book "Edmund's Food Ratings for Dieters" from the UCLA bookstore on a recent visit. Could you please tell me what kind of rating various waters would have? I really enjoy your book and find it very readable and well researched. How can I find out about other foods that are not covered...