Is there a difference between room temperature and cold water as how the body uses it?

I've noticed recommendations for cold water a couple of times recently. Is there a difference between room temperature and cold water as far as how the body uses it? Cold (40 - 50 degrees F) water is absorbed more quickly from the stomach. Also, if cold water is drunk during physical exercise has the dual...

Every morning for coffee break, I have a candy bar and a can of cola. How do I break this daily routine?

Every morning for a coffee break, I have a candy bar and a can of cola-type soft drink. There are only vending machines in our office and we have to stay in our department for breaks. Do you have any suggestions to help me break this daily routine? Eating habits are just that - a...

Is it important to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours?

Is it important to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours? It is not necessary to cook spaghetti sauce for eight hours. I know Italians who do cook their sauce all day and I know Italians who cook their sauce only to serving temperature. Prolonged heat and extended cooking destroy the vitamin C in tomatoes. You...

I am confused over the flour ingredient on the ingredient list of various breads.

I am somewhat confused over the "flour" ingredient component on the ingredient list of various bread. One will say "wheat flour", another says "enriched flour (wheat)", another "enriched flour (flour)", another "stone ground wheat flour", etc. How's a regular (fiber-pun intended!) person supposed to assess the relative value of these statements? Can you give some...

I have been avoiding animal products for the last two years with not much energy.

I've been avoiding animal products for the last two years? I think I eat a pretty healthy diet. Lately, I haven't had much energy. What are some energy foods? When you say you avoid animal products, I think of no meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese or butter. Also, I would think that you are...

How can you lose weight if you have no time to exercise? Does being a vegetarian help you lose weight?

I am a student. My question is how can you lose weight if you have no time to exercise? I barely eat at all and when I do I try to watch what I eat. Does being a vegetarian really help you lose weight? Does no meat include fish? Please write back! All the students would...

I like to snack on dry roasted peanuts. Are they fattening?

I like to snack on dry roasted peanuts. I only eat a handful at a time. Are they really fattening? I thought peanuts were a good source of protein. I've been asked your question frequently. So out of curiosity, I poured several handfuls of dry roasted peanuts. The average number of peanuts was 40 (1/4...

Does publicity influence people into buying junk food?

Hi, we are students from Mexico, and we're making an investigation about junk food. We would be very glad if you could take a time to answer some questions for us, which are the following: Is junk food really junk (does it really affect or benefit human's health? Which are the characteristics of junk...

What kind of diet and vitamins are good for your hair?

What kind of a diet is good for your hair? What vitamins? I have heard about a high blood pressure drug that stimulated hair growth. Does too much washing take vitamins out of your hair? The high blood pressure drug you are probably referring to is minoxidil, which is applied to the skin on your...

What about cooked cereal? Isn’t it better than cold cereal?

I know that whole wheat bread is better than white bread. What about cooked cereal? Isn't it better than cold cereal? It depends on which cold and which cooked cereal you are comparing. I recommend any cereal that is not sugarcoated but is enriched with iron, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. These nutrients are usually lost...