Can you give me a list of junk foods?
I'm hearing a lot about junk food lately. No one has given a definition of what foods are junk. Can you give me a list of junk foods?
Junk food is a slang word for foods with limited nutritional value. Every person has their own list of foods that they call junk foods. I would...
At holiday meals, I don’t want to feel left out. Yet I’m afraid I’ll blow my diet.
It's getting close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I've been on a diet to lose 20 pounds. So far, I've lost six pounds and I don't want to gain it back.
With all the big meals and treats that will be around during the holidays, I don't want to feel left out. Yet, I'm afraid I'll...
Why don’t oats have the effect on humans as they do on horses?
Why don't oats have the effect on humans as they do on horses? Horses fed oats develop thick, shiny hair and become energetic.
Neigh, that just isn't true for people. A horse's gastrointestinal systems are different from humans. Horses are able to eat a diet of all incomplete proteins.
Human hair is composed of keratin, which...
A teen has red, splotchy-looking dry rash. Are there certain foods to eat or restrict?
This patient has a rare skin disease. The patient with this is only 16 years old. She has it only on her hands. It is red, splotchy-looking dry rash. Her parents requested that I try to find out if there is anything out there regarding certain foods to eat or restrict. They know toxic...
What is the difference in nutritional value between white and yellow cheese?
What is the difference in nutritional value between white and yellow cheese?
The color is one difference in cheese. Most people recognize cheddar, Colby or American as yellow and brick or Swiss as white.
Nutritionally, hard cheeses such as Parmesan, cheddar, Colby, Swiss, brick and American are good sources of calcium that are equivalent to milk....
What is an explanation of My Plate?
I have been searching the net for an explanation of the new food guide My Plate, but cannot find a thing about it. I was familiar with the 4 basic food groups and want to understand this NEW way of looking at nutrition. Can you help out?
The food guide My Plate is a tool...
With the warm weather, do you have any good suggestions besides KoolAid?
With the warm weather, my kids are constantly asking for something to drink. I start out giving them juice, but after a glass or two, I switch to KoolAid. Pop is too expensive and I don't want them drinking all that sugar. Do you have any good suggestions? My children are 4 and 21...
Where you learned your nutrition and gained all those impressive title abbreviations?
I just read your "Top Ten Tips to Stop Nutrition Quackery." I do take large doses of vitamin C and E every day and other supplements. I guess you don't impress me as much as Linus Pauling. Where you learned your nutrition and gained all those impressive title abbreviations?
I don't know, but...
My girlfriend and I have eaten something that made us feel bad. What is the best diet in these situations?
My girlfriend and I have eaten something that made us feel bad. We have chills, nausea and vomits during the night after having dinner. We think it was indigestion. We'd like to know the best diet in these situations and if to drink milk is good or bad.
If you were nauseated or vomiting, milk...
Is it true that cooking fries in vegetable oil results in a healthy, cholesterol-free meal?
Hi, this question is about fast food vendors' claims: Is it true that cooking fries in vegetable oil results in a "healthy, cholesterol-free" meal?
Deep fat frying potatoes in vegetable oil would be cholesterol free. Cholesterol is only found in animal products. (Tip to help remember this is everything that contains cholesterol has a mother!)...