My clients ask me if they should be taking ginseng or other such herbs.

This is one of my first times using the Internet and first, I must commend you on how well you promote the dietitian as the expert on reliable and professional nutritional information. I am a clinical dietitian myself and feel we need to promote ourselves more to the general public (as well as to...

Can provide me with nutritional information on Schlotzksy’s sandwiches?

I hope that you can provide me with nutritional information on Schlotzsky's sandwiches, the original in particular. I have asked at the restaurant here, but they don't have the information available. I appreciate anything you can give me. I would like to know the following at the least. How many calories? How many grams...

My daughter who is 14 is an ovo-lacto vegetarian and developed cracks in the corners of her mouth.

My daughter who is 14, is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I support this and between the two of us, we try to make sure she receives the nutrients she needs. She has been eating this way for about 4 months. Recently she has developed cracks in the corners of her mouth. My older daughter had the...

What is an explanation of My Plate?

I have been searching the net for an explanation of the new food guide My Plate, but cannot find a thing about it. I was familiar with the 4 basic food groups and want to understand this NEW way of looking at nutrition. Can you help out? The food guide My Plate is a tool...

My girlfriend and I have eaten something that made us feel bad. What is the best diet in these situations?

My girlfriend and I have eaten something that made us feel bad. We have chills, nausea and vomits during the night after having dinner. We think it was indigestion. We'd like to know the best diet in these situations and if to drink milk is good or bad. If you were nauseated or vomiting, milk...

Does what I eat satisfies the RDA? I don’t know how to accurately calculate it.

I look at Nutrition Facts on food labels as often as I can to see what nutrients I am getting from what I eat, but they give such limited information. It's so hard to tell if I am actually getting the Recommended Dietary Allowances throughout the day. I want to know if what I...

How would I determine the fat content of cheese with 7% milk fat?

I wondered if you could answer a question that I have in regards to skim milk cheddar cheese. I recently purchased a block of skim milk cheese rated at 7% milk fat. How would I determine the fat content of a serving of this cheese, as it had no nutritional label? Thanks for any...

How bad are avocados?

I want to ask you about avocados. How bad are they? Aren't vegetables in general good for you? Avocados are a great food and one of my favorites! One-half an avocado contains about 15 grams of fat (10 grams monounsaturated, 1.8 poly and 2.2 saturated fat). This size serving contains more than 10% vitamin A,...

What are some hints for helping your family stay on a diet?

My wife has tried to lose weight ever since the birth of our first child. What are some hints for helping someone in your family stay on a diet? I've tried paying her money for each pound lost or buying her new skinny clothes. Neither worked. If someone in your house is trying to lose...

I dislike most vegetables and most calorie cutting menus suggest lots of vegetables.

I have a quick question and I am hoping that you may have a suggestion. I am 5 pounds over the "healthy weight" calculated by another website. However, based on how my body looks it is more like 10 to 15 pounds. I will cut to the chase. I dislike most vegetables. I like corn,...