
Can you suggest a way I can get my husband to lose 20 pounds?

I can't get my husband to lose weight. He's 6' and 220 pounds. His doctor has told him to lose some weight, but he just keeps stuffing his face. I've tried many approaches from nagging to being supportive and none have worked. Can you suggest a way I can get him to lose 20...

What are the dangers of driving and eating?

What are the dangers of driving and eating? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found eating and driving is more dangerous than using a hand held cell phone while driving. Okay so most people have done it at one time or another, but is it safe? Probably not according to Hagerty Classic Insurance in...

What exactly is the Daily Value?

What exactly is the Daily Value? I can't understand all the information on food labels. The Daily Value (DV) for each nutrient is listed for persons who eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories each day. The values are the same as the USRDA values previously found on labels and were based on the 1968 RDA's. The...

After baking an apple pie, does it contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples in it?

Does an apple pie, after baking, still contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples that went into it? Mostly yes other than some fiber is lost when the apple is peeled for the pie and some vitamin C is lost during baking. Apples are a source of vitamin C (14% Daily Value for a...