Since food labels show how many grams of sugar in a serving, how can I know what a good goal should be?
Hi. I'm trying to cut down on the number of sugars I eat. Since food labels typically show how many grams of sugar are in a serving, how can I know what a good "goal" should be?
I'd like to record how many grams I eat now and then compare it to how many grams...
Is a gram about 1/4 teaspoon?
I would like to know the quantifiable size of a gram. Is it about 1/4 teaspoon? I am trying to visualize this concept. Thanks
There are 5 grams in a teaspoon and 15 grams in a tablespoon. So 1 gram is less than 1/4 tsp, but more than 1/8.
I have vertical lines or ridges on all of my fingernails.
I have vertical lines or "ridges" on all of my fingernails and have been told by various people that it is a calcium deficiency, an iron deficiency, a vitamin A deficiency, etc. I'd like to find out once and for all what kind of deficiency it is if any. My nails rarely chip or...
Can food be justified and rationalized to only what you need to sustain life?
Can food be justified and rationalized to only what you need to sustain life?
There is an expression - do you eat to live or live to eat? That defines your dilemma.
Yes, food can be just enough to sustain life as long as a person ate enough calories to sustain a healthy weight and ate...
After baking an apple pie, does it contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples in it?
Does an apple pie, after baking, still contain all the nutrients of the fresh apples that went into it?
Mostly yes other than some fiber is lost when the apple is peeled for the pie and some vitamin C is lost during baking. Apples are a source of vitamin C (14% Daily Value for a...
Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces a day?
My question is. Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces/day? Thanks.
Don't know who came up with the recommendations for 8, eight-ounce glasses of water per day which would equal 64 ounces. There is no research to support this recommendation.
An easier method is to pay attention to the color...
Do vegetables lose nutrients if they are steamed then refrigerated for a day or two and microwaved to reheat before serving?
I usually steam fresh vegetables for approx. 10-20 minutes, depending on what I am cooking, then serve them. Do they lose nutrients if they are steamed then refrigerated for a day or two and microwaved to reheat before serving? This seems to me that the vegetables are being overcooked or twice cooked.
Steaming is great...
Does the US Dietary Guidelines call for less than 10% of calories from sugar mean sucrose, naturally occurring sugars or all sugars?
Does the US Dietary Guidelines in calling for no more than 10% of calories from sugar mean a) added sucrose, b) sucrose, added or naturally occurring, or c) all simple sugars (fructose, glucose, lactose, sucrose, etc.)?
Do you also know whether sugars on the food label refers to added sucrose or to sucrose (whether or...
Is sugar in the US Dietary Guidelines for added sugars or just sucrose?
You have been so kind to take the time to answer my questions. Thank you so very much. Please permit me a couple of follow-up questions.
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend moderate intake of sugar which includes sugar you add to food at the table as well as sugar added by food manufacturers.
Am I...
I was recently diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and have been itching like crazy!
I was recently diagnosed with Diabetes II. My doctor diagnosed it and then sort of brushed me off when I had questions. I have one question for you. I have been itching LIKE CRAZY! Mostly my face. I have a rash around my mouth and now on my forehead and temples. It's driving me...