A male college student gets over 200% of iron, zinc and calcium per day.

A male college student intakes 3447 calories/day (101% RDA). His iron intake is 284% RDA. His zinc intake is 282% RDA. His calcium intake is 346% RDA. These values are 3-day averages. Should he attempt to lower his intake of these minerals? Why or why not? There is no RDA for calories. We can estimate...

Our soils are depleted, very few people get what they need from food alone and the RDA’s for many nutrients are too low.

Much of what you are telling the public sounds like hogwash to me. You have passed on much dated, inaccurate information. Our soils are depleted, very few people get what they need from food alone and the RDA's for many nutrients are indeed too low. Also, credentials in nutrition are no guarantee of...

I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water plus a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty.

I am constantly thirsty. I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water, a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty. Water gets to be very boring and I know soda is really bad for me. What cold drinks are out there that do not contain sugar? I can't have citrus juices...

All my life I have suffered from excessive tiredness after eating.

All my life (52 years) I have suffered from excessive tiredness after eating which has been a real nuisance especially in my job. I believe it is something to do with eating bread as sandwiches, toast, etc. seem to have the worst effect. Other carbohydrates, e.g. potatoes, seem to have much less effect. However,...

Do vegetables lose nutrients if they are steamed then refrigerated for a day or two and microwaved to reheat before serving?

I usually steam fresh vegetables for approx. 10-20 minutes, depending on what I am cooking, then serve them. Do they lose nutrients if they are steamed then refrigerated for a day or two and microwaved to reheat before serving? This seems to me that the vegetables are being overcooked or twice cooked. Steaming is great...

How would I determine the fat content of cheese with 7% milk fat?

I wondered if you could answer a question that I have in regards to skim milk cheddar cheese. I recently purchased a block of skim milk cheese rated at 7% milk fat. How would I determine the fat content of a serving of this cheese, as it had no nutritional label? Thanks for any...

I know that the vegetarian and vegan are is the only really healthy diets.

This is not a question but a comment. I have just read what you have to say on a vegetarian diet and frankly, I'm disappointed by your advice. No, I'm not a dietitian, but even I know that the vegetarian diet and better still vegan diet, is the only really healthy diet. The idea...

What can I do about splitting nails?

What can I do about splitting nails on the hands? Could it be related to my diet? Splitting nails typically are more often caused by environmental injury (such as extended submersion in the water like dishwashing or rough handwork like landscaping) or injury to the nail bed when pushing back your cuticles. Sometimes illness or...

I’m looking for information on fruit’s chemical content.

I'm putting together a report on apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates, raspberries, and watermelons. I am looking for information on their chemical content, their nutritional value and their uses in preventative medicine and healing. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. The nutritional value of fruit varies but usually contains significant sources of...

Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces a day?

My question is. Do we need 48 ounces of water intake or is it 64 ounces/day? Thanks. Don't know who came up with the recommendations for 8, eight-ounce glasses of water per day which would equal 64 ounces. There is no research to support this recommendation. An easier method is to pay attention to the color...