
How old do you have to be to be able to go on a diet?

I would like to ask you: how old do you have to be to be able to go on a diet? Depends on the child and the type of diet. If you mean weight loss diet without any other restrictions, then maybe 18. But if a kid is 100 pounds overweight or double their healthy...

I am looking for the daily calorie requirements for my children ages 3, 6, and 9.

Hello. I am looking for information for my children ages 3, 6 and 9. I would like to know the daily calorie requirements for them. Also, can you tell me how many servings of bread, fat, dairy they need per day? We are trying to develop a healthy diet for my entire family to follow....

I have a 9 year old son that to me seems overweight.

I have a 9-year-old son that, to me, seems overweight. His father and I are both overweight. I have had my ups and downs in weight since a child. Currently, I am following your Healthy Body Calculator® guidelines for intake recommendations. My son is 4 1/2 feet tall and 120 pounds. His doctor did not...

I am trying to find the appropriate caloric intake and food exchanges for my children.

I have used food exchanges for over two years for meal planning for my husband and myself based on desired caloric intake and ideal weight for our age and heights. I feel that I am able to plan meals accordingly. However, this is a different situation for my children. I am trying to find information...

I am concerned about my son’s height. When do boys do most of their growing?

I am concerned about my son's height. He is 11 years old and 4 feet 6 inches weighing 65 pounds. When he was born he was 19 inches long and weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces. I believe he grew 1 inch this past year. I haven't really discussed it with his doctor because I...

I took my son to the doctor with a constant stomachache and he concluded that he had cranky bowels.

I have an 11-year-old son who has a constant stomach ache. It doesn't seem to bother him except at bedtime. He goes through the day fine, but at bedtime - or close to it - his stomach hurts. I have taken him to the doctor several months ago with this problem, and he concluded...

Do you have information on children 1 to 3-years-old you could send me?

I am a student at Goshen College and have a presentation on nutrition of children ages 1-3 coming up. I'm wondering if you have any information on any aspect of this topic if you could send it to me either via e-mail or snail mail. I appreciate any help you are able to offer! There...

My daughter’s preschool recently said the lunch meal I had provided for her did not meet all of the food groups.

The Fitness Partner Connection Jumpsite receives quite a few nutrition questions. We usually answer the basic ones ourselves and send the more complex cases to Ask the Dietitian or the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website. However, I just received a really basic question that perplexed me, so I had to ask you personally. We'd...

I have an 11 year boy who is 5 feet 1 inch and weighs 132 pounds.

I have an 11-year-old male is 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 132 pounds. Thanking you in advance and looking forward to your reply. Your son is tall and heavy for age with a BMI of 25.8. A healthy weight range is 105 - 116 pounds. A healthy BMI for his height and age...

What should my children weigh? How can I help them avoid being extremely overweight like me?

My nine and a half-year-old son is 56 inches tall and weighs 125 pounds. He has always been large for his age. My six-year-old daughter is 46 inches tall and weighs 50 pounds. She has always been average for her age. I am extremely overweight and my husband is of average weight. As a family, we...