Where can I find a dietitian who works with developmental disabilities?
Where can I find a dietitian who works with developmental disabilities?
Nutrition dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with developmental disabilities. You can find a dietitian at the American Dietetic Association. Include your zip code or city/state and the type of service you want (individual consultation).
Is there any correlation between hypoglycemia and attention deficit disorder?
Is there any correlation between hypoglycemia and attention deficit disorder? Thank you.
There is no research to suggest people with hypoglycemia are more likely to have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or vice versa but ADD can be a risk in young people with type 1 diabetes based on current research. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar...
What do you think of Feingold’s diet for hyperactive children?
What do you think of Feingold's diet for hyperactive children? My friend told me to take my son off a lot of foods.
The Feingold diet for hyperkinetic children is based on removing all foods with sugar, preservatives, color dyes and salicylates from a child's diet. Specific foods are omitted.
Hyperactive children vary from three to...
Many parents of ADD / ADHD children will testify to the benefits of the Feingold program.
Many parents of ADD/ADHD children will testify to the benefits of this program. I encourage you to visit the Feingold Association website to find out more.
If you re-read the question in this topic, you will see that the person asking the question misspelled Dr. Feingold's name. In my answer, the spelling is correct.
I am...
I am an adult female with ADHD. What are these foods that aggravate symptoms?
I am an adult female who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I seem to recall some research that indicated that certain foods could aggravate the symptoms of ADHD. Has this been substantiated recently? What are these foods? Sugar? Yeast? Food Dyes? I am very curious. Please help.
Hyperactivity or hyperkinesis is a diagnosable syndrome recognized...
At 8-years-old, he is old enough to recognize how his behavior changes when he makes the choice to eat something with dyes or colors.
Thanks so much for your quick response, as the manager of our hospital's growing and evolving website, I appreciate how much it means. I understand about families with two working adults, my household is the modern chaotic jumble of parents, pets, kids and all that implies. It sounds like you are all too familiar...
Do you have information on the Finegold Diet?
I was wondering if you had any information on what is called the "Finegold Diet"? It could be used, from what I understand, for patients (children) with Attention Deficit Disorders perhaps as a last resort for treatment. I do understand that it isn't proven to be of benefit, but may not be harmful either....
I am the parent of a child whose ADHD symptoms are managed by using an elimination diet similar to the Feingold program.
As the parent of a child whose ADHD symptoms are managed by using an elimination diet similar to the Feingold program, I'd like to comment on a response made on your website. Just so you know where I'm coming from, I'm not a crusader with blinders on. I know not all children are magically...
Could you point me towards tools that help assess whether a 10 year old child is hyperactive versus just being boy?
I found your webpage by doing a net search for "hyperactive children". Could you point me any tools (i.e. useful questionnaires) that may help a parent assess whether a 10-year old child is indeed "hyperactive" versus just being a typical boy at that age?
I am not aware of any nutritional tools for screening hyperactivity...
I have attention deficit disorder (ADD) and taking Dexedrine to help me out.
I am a 23-year-old female, 5 feet and 9 inches tall. I weigh 124 pounds with my chest being 34 inches, waist 22 inches and hips are at 38 inches, I have a medium size bone structure. In the last six months, I have taken on a full-time job and attend college for more...