There is no research to suggest people with hypoglycemia are more likely to have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or vice versa but ADD can be a risk in young people with type 1 diabetes based on current research. Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar which can be your body’s reaction to high sugar/carbohydrate foods and the overproduction of insulin. Symptoms range from sweating, weak, shaky, difficulty in processing information to passing out. The treatment for hypoglycemia depends on whether the person has reactive hypoglycemia (needs high protein foods with fewer carbohydrates) or people with diabetes (needs 15 – 30 grams of simple carbohydrates like fruit juice or milk) for insulin reactions.
Attention deficit disorder covers a wide range of symptoms and the symptoms are not generally caused by food except with type 1 diabetes based on what science knows at this time. I would suggest you contact your local school and ask to talk to the school psychologist about ADD or ADHD.