Everything I read says that children do not need salt or sugar.

Everything I read says that children do not need salt or sugar. I made all my own baby food, but now I am confused by some nutrition information on labels. How much sodium or sugar is too much? The labels give milligrams or grams and I don't know what it means. I'm a mother with...

I have a two-year-old who will eat anything but meat.

I have a two-year-old who will eat anything but meat. If she does eat meat, all she'll eat is chicken nuggets from McDonald's. I have tried to cut out the sweets in her diet but she still only ever wants to eat her sweets. My question: how do I try and get her to...

I have concern about the question on honey.

I enjoyed your page and I particularly found the Ask the Dietitian section informative. However, I have a concern about the question on honey. You might want to consider adding a bit about not giving honey to infants (on pacifiers, bottle nipples etc.) as honey is rarely if ever, sterilized and Clostridium Botulism spores...

I would like to give my son’s daycare a complete list of foods that he can eat without having to take his Lactaid pills.

I have seen the doctor in regards to this, but there was no "real" advice given to help me help my son's daycare! That is my real main concern. Fortunately, my son does take his Lactaid pills, but I would like to be able to give his daycare a complete list of foods that...

I have a daughter who will be 2 years old and she still takes a bottle. How do I break this habit?

I am taking a nutrition class via the internet. I am required to post two Internet questions for my class. I have a daughter who will be two in August and she still takes a bottle. I would like to know if you have any suggestions on how to break this habit from...

My friend’s 1-year-old has constipation problems and has been put on a high fiber diet by her doctor.

My friend's one year old has constipation problems and has been put on a high fiber diet by her doctor. She is having difficulty getting the baby to eat raw vegetables. She doesn't like to chew things that are too hard. Do you have any ideas for things she might like to eat? If the...

My son’s pediatrician told me I could start increasing his diet with single foods. I am not sure what is best.

I have a seven-month-old son who has been eating cereal since he was about four months. Vegetables and fruit juice (apple only) since he was about five months all based on doctor's advice. He is in the 95th percentile in both weight and height so his size is not a question, but he still...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with infants and toddlers?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with infants and toddlers? The Pediatric Nutrition dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with infants, children, and adolescents. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state and the type of service you...

I have a little guy that has diarrhea. The doctor told me to give him clear liquids, applesauce and banana.

I have a little guy that has had diarrhea for a few days. I brought him to the doctor and he didn't prescribe any medication. He's 16 months old and the doctor told me to give him clear liquids, applesauce, and banana. What else can he have? I would suggest you follow your doctor's advice...

How do I figure the proper calorie intake for my 5-month-old son?

I was wondering how to figure the proper calorie intake for my son. He is 5 months old and last week our doctor gave us a formula for figuring the number of calories he needs for his height, weight etc. What is this formula? Have you tried my Healthy Kid Calculator®? If you would send...