My friends say my 2-year-old son is overweight.
My friends say my two-year-old son is overweight. He's 37 inches tall and 33 pounds. Are they right? Is he too fat?
Your son is tall for his age (>97th percentile) and his weight (95th percentile) is appropriate for his height. No, he is not too fat. Your doctor can advise you if your son's...
I am 13 years old and afraid of being overweight. What is the normal weight for me?
I am thirteen years old and I'm always afraid of being overweight. I am 5'5", but I won't tell my weight because I don't want to hear again that I'm perfect just the way I am. I recently lost a lot of weight and in my eyes, I look okay but could stand to...
My wife broke her hip and ever since she has been underweight.
My wife fell and broke her hip 2 years ago. Ever since then she has been underweight. She only weighs around 94 pounds. When I try to sneak in larger portions, she notices it and leaves some. I can't get her to eat more. Do you have any suggestions? She can't walk very far...
I’m having problems cooking for just 1 person since my husband died.
I am having problems adjusting to cooking for just one person since my husband died last year. Sometimes, I just eat a bowl of cereal or open up a can of soup for dinner. Can you give me some suggestions?
Your problem is becoming more common, not just among seniors, but also with our society...
Everything I read says that children do not need salt or sugar.
Everything I read says that children do not need salt or sugar. I made all my own baby food, but now I am confused by some nutrition information on labels. How much sodium or sugar is too much? The labels give milligrams or grams and I don't know what it means.
I'm a mother with...
What do you think of Feingold’s diet for hyperactive children?
What do you think of Feingold's diet for hyperactive children? My friend told me to take my son off a lot of foods.
The Feingold diet for hyperkinetic children is based on removing all foods with sugar, preservatives, color dyes and salicylates from a child's diet. Specific foods are omitted.
Hyperactive children vary from three to...
My 2 1/2 year old son eats dirt and potting soil. Could there be something wrong with his diet?
My two and a half-year-old son eats dirt and potting soil from my houseplant. He also sucks on rocks, but he spits them out when he's done. How can I get him to stop? Every time he's out of my sight, he gets into something. I've told him to stop and he has been...
Research published in the Pediatrics journal by the Mayo Clinic discusses digestive issues in children with autism. This study was designed to determine if children with autism had more stomach and intestinal problems than children who do not have autism. Stomach and intestinal problems were defined in this study as: "constipation; diarrhea; abdominal bloating,...