Is celery high in salt?

Is celery high is salt? I am on a salt-free diet and the least bit of salty foods makes me retain water. I love to eat celery, but I don't put salt on it. Yes, celery contains 35.2 milligrams of sodium in one stalk, but compared to other foods like ham is it not too...

How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates?

I have a question regarding brandy (liquor). How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates? Also, where do the calories come from, if brandy does not have any protein, carbohydrates or fat? Thanks. Brandy is made from distilled wine or fermented fruit juice and is aged in a barrel. Even though there...

I have been eating 1200 calories a day with 10 to 12 fat grams each day.

I would appreciate your advice on the following matter. Since I began my weight loss program five weeks ago, I have been consuming 1200 calories a day. I exercise for about 10 minutes daily on a cardio-glide machine. My problem is my fat intake. I think I'm taking in too few fat grams. The foods...

Do you have a list of foods that may contain alcohol?

I teach nutrition in Missouri and also teach in our local chemical dependency unit at the local hospital. I am trying to find a list of foods that contain alcohol but have had no luck. Do you have a list of foods that may contain alcohol? I've been compiling my own list, but know I...

Which brand of margarine is best?

Which brand of margarine is best? I cannot recommend a specific brand to you. However, look for a margarine with a liquid oil as the first ingredient on the food label. Oils that are high in polyunsaturated fat are safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn, and cottonseed. Polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels. The margarine will...

What diet should I follow to gain weight without affecting my cholesterol?

Thanks again for the prompt reply and the very useful information. I liked your message especially because it is very encouraging. It suits my kind of age, health, and situation. We sometimes use olive oil too, but mostly Canola oil and some margarine (Canola oil or corn oil) only on Saturday and Sunday with...

My triglycerides are over 700. I cut out sugar, sweets and my Cokes to only 2 a day.

My triglycerides are over 700. My cholesterol was normal. I have done everything to bring it under 700. I cut out sweets, sugar, and my Cokes to only 2 a day Is that still too many? I am 60 lb. overweight. I have cut fat percent to 15 grams a day and calories to 1700....

My cholesterol level was 220 and my triglyceride level was 304. I seldom drink. I don’t eat sweets.

I'm a 28-year-old male that recently had a full-blown blood panel done. To my surprise, my cholesterol level was 220 (HDL = 39, LDL = 120) and my triglyceride level was 304!!! I'm not overweight, I seldom drink and I have what I consider an average diet for a male my age (O.K. maybe...

I wonder what type of foods I can consume to lower my bad cholesterol.

I am a 20-year-old male and I am currently wondering what type of foods I can consume to help lower my bad cholesterol because I am constantly seeing commercials about this topic, and would love a legitimate answer! You would be young to have high cholesterol in your blood unless you have a genetic cause....

I drink coffee but want to replace that with something healthier.

I am a daily coffee drinker but am wanting to replace that energy with something healthier. What are some foods I can add to my breakfast to give me energy for the day? Or what foods should I stay away from or add to my daily diet in order to feel more energized? Caffeine makes your...