I consume 8 to 9 cups of coffee and some cola through out the day.

Hello I am doing a report for my foods class on the effects of caffeine as a way to help myself. I consume 8 to 9 cups of coffee and some cola through out the day. I was wondering if you could email me with an address where I could receive this info on the web or if you could email me with some info on the effects that caffeine has on the body and why you feel dragged out when you try to quit drinking it. I hope you can help me with this as I need it. Thank You.
Irrelative of your age, you are drinking way too much caffeine. There is even some research to suggest that excess caffeine may stunt your height, so depending on your age, I would cut way down to less than 3 cups of coffee per day which also equals 6 caffeinated sodas. So if you had 2 cups of coffee (5 ounces each) and 2 sodas, you would hit the recommended limit for caffeine.

Don’t quit cold turkey as you will experience caffeinism or caffeine withdrawal. Cut down slowly. Read below for more info on the effect of caffeine on your body and energy levels.