My husband is on a salt free diet, but he does miss his desserts. Can you suggest some?

My husband is on a salt-free diet (1-gram sodium). He's easy to please at mealtime with meat and potatoes, but he does miss his desserts to finish off a meal. He is not overweight. Can you suggest some salt-free desserts? Any dessert that contains baking soda, baking powder, salt or buttermilk will be too high...

I have recently been diagnosed with CHF (congestive heart failure).

I am a 56-year-old woman who has recently been diagnosed with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure). Part of my treatment is a diet low in salt and fat. When one says "low is salt" how much is permitted in a daily diet? I asked my physician this and he said just not to "add" any salt...

What makes someone who has high blood pressure for their sugar to be up one day and then the next day their sugar may bottom out?

I also would like to know what it is that will make someone who has high blood pressure for their sugar to be up one day and then the next day their sugar may bottom out on them? If your food intake is regulated correctly by diabetes medication (pills or injected insulin), you shouldn't be...

How much salt is in softened water?

Do you have any idea how much salt is in softened water? We recently had a water softener installed in our house. After watching my husband pour those 40-pound bags of salt in the tank, I began wondering how much salt we are getting in our drinking and cooking water. Softened water is about ten...

What food tips for lowering high blood pressure might you have?

What tips food wise or otherwise for lowering high blood pressure might you have? If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure (bottom blood pressure number greater than 90 mm), you should be limiting foods high in sodium and lose weight. How much you should restrict sodium in foods you eat depends on what...

I do notice the swelling when my hands are down at my side. No the swelling does not occur while I am sleeping

Thank you for responding so quickly. The answers to some of your questions: I do notice the swelling when my hands are down at my side. No the swelling does not occur while I am sleeping it usually occurs around 7:00 P.M. or 8:00 P.M.. I don't like Asian foods and I do...

On a low salt diet, can I eat regular canned vegetables if I rinse them off before cooking?

I have high blood pressure and have been on a low salt diet. Can I eat regular canned vegetables if I rinse them off before cooking? No, you should not eat vegetables canned with salt. Also, you cannot rinse the salt off before heating the canned vegetables. I would suggest you buy frozen vegetables but read...

My husband has high blood pressure and moderately high cholesterol. What can I cook?

My husband has high blood pressure (140/95) and moderately high cholesterol (210). He is currently taking medication to control his blood pressure. While he needs to reduce the fat and cholesterol in his diet, he doesn't need to lose weight - he's 6'6" and 200 lb. He consumes approx.3500-4000 calories per day. My blood...

My hands swell up at night with ring mark on my fingers from swelling up.

I have a question about my hands swelling up at night. I even have a ring mark on my right hand from my fingers swelling up. Some of this swelling is heredity. I do know that because my hands swell form anything with too much salt, pork and certain hams. Is there anything that...

I have high blood pressure. If I get put on Cortisone, is this going to cause more problems?

Thanks for your speedy reply. My question too is why is my thyroid now hyperactive? I am to get a second opinion, but asked my doctor to repeat the tests before getting a second opinion. Unfortunately (I forgot to mention this) I already have high blood pressure. If I get put on Cortisone this is...