My doctor told me to follow a low salt diet. What about milk?

Skim milk has more salt than whole or 2% milk. My doctor told me to follow a low salt diet. I like skim milk and need to lose some weight. Should I cut out milk completely? Skim milk contains 7 milligrams more sodium than whole or 2% milk which is not a significant difference. What...

My grandmother is in the hospital and her sodium level keeps dropping. What caused this?

Please help me find an answer to my 82-year-old grandmother's problem. She is in the hospital now and her sodium level keeps dropping. Is there something that would cause this depletion? The doctors do not know why her sodium level keeps going down. I believe at present that her level is at 143. Please...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high blood pressure or have had a stroke?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high blood pressure or have had a stroke? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the American Dietetic Association provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to...

Is caffeine banned by the Olympic Committee? If so how much?

You mentioned that caffeine was banned by the Olympic Committee. This is only on the order of a dose of several (I believe it is 1.6) grams. An 80-kilogram adult would only take a dose of around 400 milligrams (5 milligrams/kilogram of body weight). This also would have been taken roughly four hours prior...

What do I look for when trying to count fat grams?

My question is. I have been told to have between 50 and 60 fat grams each day, but when I read nutrition facts on food labels I see total fat and also fat calories. What do I look for when trying to count fat grams? Your response is greatly appreciated. If you want to count...

What makes someone who has high blood pressure for their sugar to be up one day and then the next day their sugar may bottom out?

I also would like to know what it is that will make someone who has high blood pressure for their sugar to be up one day and then the next day their sugar may bottom out on them? If your food intake is regulated correctly by diabetes medication (pills or injected insulin), you shouldn't be...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with patients who have heart disease or high cholesterol in my area?

I am looking for a dietitian who works with patients who have heart disease or high cholesterol. Where can I find one in my area? If you are looking for a dietitian with expertise in cardiovascular (heart) disease go to Find a Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutritionist (SCAN) and click on your state on the...

How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have?

I have a question regarding alcohol, calories and weight gain. How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have? And, is it typical for drinkers (depending on amount) to gain or lose weight? Thanks so much. Alcohol has been found to stimulate the appetite and 1 drink before meals have been prescribed for adults with...

My triglycerides were the highest the doctor ever had seen and my cholesterol was at 308.

I went in for a physical recently and was informed that my triglycerides were the highest the doctor had ever seen (875) and my cholesterol was at 308. All other aspects of the physical went well. I went again today for another blood lab after fasting from the evening the night before. I am 32...

Which diet pop has the least amount of salt in it?

Which diet pop has the least amount of salt in it? I've been drinking four to five cans of diet pop a day. I've read it contains lots of salt. Diet pop contains less than 100 milligrams of sodium per 12-ounce can. That amount of sodium is less than one slice of bread. Diet colas...