My husband had a heart attack on Monday and angioplasty surgery Tuesday morning.
My husband just had a heart attack on Monday and had angioplasty surgery Tuesday morning. I brought him home and cannot find an appropriate diet for him based on the information on his discharge papers.
It says no iceberg lettuce and no broccoli and just about everything I thought that you could eat isn't right....
My daughter says that white meat chicken has a higher fat content and I say that dark meat has the greater amount.
My daughter and I have been having a discussion on fat content in chicken. Specifically as to which has the higher fat content. My daughter contends that white meat has a higher fat content and I, of course, say that dark meat has the greater amount. In fact is there any difference?
Dark poultry (chicken...
My doctor prescribed 50 milligrams of beta-blockers and a caffeine-free diet.
I've recently been diagnosed with a mild case of mitral valve prolapse. My doctor prescribed 50 milligrams of beta-blockers and a caffeine-free diet. The only things she mentioned to avoid were coffee, tea, caffeinated sodas and anything containing chocolate. Are there other foods that contain caffeine or is my list above complete? Thank you....
What do excess amounts of salt do to the body?
What do excessive amounts of salt do to the body?
It would depend on how much excess salt (or salty foods) you ate in how much time and how well your kidneys functioned. Salt is a compound containing 2 minerals, sodium, and chloride and it attracts water.
When the salt content of your blood goes up,...
My big problem is cola. I am totally addicted and get headaches when I try to avoid it.
Just did the Healthy Body Calculator®. Didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. My question is I'm overweight, I don't eat too much. I try to buy everything lite. My big problem is cola. I am totally addicted and get headaches when I try to avoid it. I've been told to try diet...
I am concerned about caffeine consumption during pregnancy. How much caffeine is in chocolate?
I am concerned about caffeine consumption during pregnancy . I would like to know how much caffeine is in chocolate products such as plain dark chocolate, chocolate ice cream and chocolate milk? Is there caffeine in other less obvious food items?
Also, what is a safe amount of caffeine during pregnancy? Is there a...
My mother is losing weight because of emphysema. Who can give me a meal plan for my mother?
Can you just try to help me or put me in touch with someone who can advise me to give me a meal plan for my mother who is losing weight because of emphysema? She is 70 years old, takes Prednisone and Atrovent, on 24-hour oxygen. Her rib cage and knees caps are protruding...
What are the benefits of a healthy diet in prevention of heart disease?
I am 14 years old and for my high school physical education class, I am researching for a 15-minute presentation on health. My topic is the benefits of a healthy diet. I was wondering if you could briefly name some of the benefits. Of particular interest was the prevention of heart disease. I once...
Is potato sausage high in sodium or calories for a person on high blood pressure medication?
Is potato sausage high in sodium or calories? Should a person on high blood pressure medication eat potato sausage?
Sausage is high-fat meat and contains about 100 calories per ounce and approximately 390 milligrams of sodium per ounce. For a three-ounce serving that equals about 300 calories and 1170 milligrams of sodium. A person with...
My wife and I are trying to lose weight. How much fat should be consumed in a day?
My wife and I are trying to lose weight. We are concerned about the amount of fat in our diet. What is the recommended amount of fat that should be consumed in a day? We are eating different amounts and would appreciate any information that you can provide. We are in the mid to...