It seems that when I drink coffee I get a headache.

It seems that when I drink coffee I get a headache. I could never understand this. I drink 2 cups per day (caffeinated) regular coffee. The headache starts hours after I drink the coffee or sometimes the next day. I would appreciate any input you would have concerning this problem. It certainly is a...

I don’t eat many sweets so I can’t pinpoint a cause for high triglycerides.

In regards to adding strength training; I went from lots of aerobic exercises to a period of just lifting weights. I added about 20 pounds (155 pounds through high school and college) to about 175 pounds. Then for a period of about 3 years, I didn't do much, and my weight went to 195...

Does caffeinated pop give us hiccups?

Does caffeinated pop give us hiccups? Caffeine would not give you hiccups. The carbonation in the pop (also called soda) you drink may though.

I do notice the swelling when my hands are down at my side. No the swelling does not occur while I am sleeping

Thank you for responding so quickly. The answers to some of your questions: I do notice the swelling when my hands are down at my side. No the swelling does not occur while I am sleeping it usually occurs around 7:00 P.M. or 8:00 P.M.. I don't like Asian foods and I do...

If I was pregnant, would this cause me to retain water and cause my hands to swell?

I am not pregnant. I don't set amount of time to do exercise. But I walk stairs and up walk up steep hills and play with my mom's babysitting kids. I also am on my feet at all times while I am at work which is pretty often. One thing I don't do is drink a...

On the weekends, I go out for 12 to 20 beers. My test showed that my triglycerides were 125, cholesterol was 223.

I'm writing to you in regards to a physical that I had recently. I'm a male 28 years old, 5 feet 9 inches 220 pounds with a pretty big build due to former bodybuilding that I used to do. I exercise moderately by riding my bike for about 2 hours a week. My diet...

You mention that linoleic acid is the only truly essential fatty acid. Linolenic is an omega 3 fatty acid.

On the nature of EFA's, you mention that linoleic acid is the only truly essential fatty acid (EFA). While this may be so, it glosses over the effects of an undersupply of linolenic acid in the diet, because when eicosadienoic acid is synthesized and substituted for (gamma) linolenic acid in the w-3 eicosanoid pathways,...

My grandmother’s sodium level is 123. I have relayed your suggestions to ask my grandmother’s doctors.

Thank you for responding so soon to my letter about my grandmother's sodium level. I was incorrect about her present count. It is at 123, not 143. I have relayed your suggestions to my mother so she can ask her doctors about testing for certain things. I appreciate your quick response and hope something...

The spa trainer advised that my fat intake should average 20 to 30 grams per day.

I just read some of the diet and exercise advice you give over the Internet and thought maybe you could help me with my question. I've been making a concerted effort to better my eating habits and lose weight. My diet generally averages no more or less than 20 fat grams a day. I...

Could you please explain the relationship between sugar, alcohol, and triglycerides?

Can you please expand on your explanation of the relationship between sugar, alcohol, and triglycerides? Parts of your brief overview don't make sense to me. For one thing, you said that the direct absorption of alcohol causes the liver to reduce its sugars production, leaving the body to turn to fat as an alternate fuel...