My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a Type 4 lipoprotein diet.

I am a type 2 diabetic and recovering from a stroke. My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a TYPE 4 hyperlipoprotein diet. Can you provide this or direct me to an online source, as I have difficulty getting to a library? Keep up the good work! I haven't heard a nutrition therapy...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high triglycerides?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high triglycerides? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the American Dietetic Association provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. They can take your food history and make recommendations to lower your triglycerides. Dietitians often have their own private...

When you covered triglycerides, you glossed over their functions in transporting fats to the liver.

When you covered the topic of triglycerides in the blood, you seem to have glossed over their functions in transporting fats to the liver and excretory organs. Also left uncovered was the structure, synthesis, and differences from lipoproteins, all of which might help your readers understand how to read a CBC or triglyceride/lipoprotein panel...

On the weekends, I go out for 12 to 20 beers. My test showed that my triglycerides were 125, cholesterol was 223.

I'm writing to you in regards to a physical that I had recently. I'm a male 28 years old, 5 feet 9 inches 220 pounds with a pretty big build due to former bodybuilding that I used to do. I exercise moderately by riding my bike for about 2 hours a week. My diet...

Could you please explain the relationship between sugar, alcohol, and triglycerides?

Can you please expand on your explanation of the relationship between sugar, alcohol, and triglycerides? Parts of your brief overview don't make sense to me. For one thing, you said that the direct absorption of alcohol causes the liver to reduce its sugars production, leaving the body to turn to fat as an alternate fuel...

My cholesterol level was 220 and my triglyceride level was 304. I seldom drink. I don’t eat sweets.

I'm a 28-year-old male that recently had a full-blown blood panel done. To my surprise, my cholesterol level was 220 (HDL = 39, LDL = 120) and my triglyceride level was 304!!! I'm not overweight, I seldom drink and I have what I consider an average diet for a male my age (O.K. maybe...

What makes my triglyceride blood level high?

I recently had a cholesterol blood test performed and I wanted to ask a few questions. First of all, my results: Total cholesterol 187 milligrams per deciliter Triglycerides 360 milligrams per deciliter HDL cholesterol 29 milligrams per deciliter LDL cholesterol 86 milligrams per deciliter I understand that my total cholesterol below 200 is okay, HDL...

My triglycerides were the highest the doctor ever had seen and my cholesterol was at 308.

I went in for a physical recently and was informed that my triglycerides were the highest the doctor had ever seen (875) and my cholesterol was at 308. All other aspects of the physical went well. I went again today for another blood lab after fasting from the evening the night before. I am 32...

How serious is triglycerides at 545?

I'm in the process of applying for life insurance. I just received the blood test results back and there are 3 elevated items. I read your information on triglycerides which was very helpful. However, mine is at 545 mg/dl. You mentioned that 150 was at the high end of normal. My cholesterol is at...

I don’t eat many sweets so I can’t pinpoint a cause for high triglycerides.

In regards to adding strength training; I went from lots of aerobic exercises to a period of just lifting weights. I added about 20 pounds (155 pounds through high school and college) to about 175 pounds. Then for a period of about 3 years, I didn't do much, and my weight went to 195...