I don’t eat many sweets so I can’t pinpoint a cause for high triglycerides.

In regards to adding strength training; I went from lots of aerobic exercises to a period of just lifting weights. I added about 20 pounds (155 pounds through high school and college) to about 175 pounds. Then for a period of about 3 years, I didn't do much, and my weight went to 195...

My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a Type 4 lipoprotein diet.

I am a type 2 diabetic and recovering from a stroke. My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a TYPE 4 hyperlipoprotein diet. Can you provide this or direct me to an online source, as I have difficulty getting to a library? Keep up the good work! I haven't heard a nutrition therapy...

What makes the triglycerides high in the blood? I don’t eat a lot of fatty foods and don’t drink.

I recently had a cholesterol blood test performed and I wanted to ask a few questions. First of all, my results: Total cholesterol 187mg/dl, Triglycerides 360 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol 29 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol 86 mg/dl. I understand that my total cholesterol below 200 is okay, HDL is low, LDL is okay and triglycerides...