Use the Healthy Body Calculator® or Healthy Kid Calculator® to add your measurements, weight goal (lose, gain or maintain weight)
to determine your calorie goal based on your health needs.
Your Body Data *
Gender: *
What Is Your Date Of Birth? *
Month: Day: Year:
Calorie Distribution
Calories: *
Protein: *
Fat: *
Carbohydrate: *
Since you are entering your own calorie goal, you may not achieve your weight goal or your calorie needs if you are pregnant or breast feeding or growth needs if you
are a child under the age of 18. You may want to try the Healthy Body Calculator® or Healthy Kid Calculator® to get a custom calorie goal.
Your Food Preferences
What Type Of Milk Do You Drink? *
Skim, Fat-Free Milk or Yogurt, Buttermilk, Acidophilus, Lactaid
1%, Low-Fat Milk or Yogurt, Plain Kefir, Buttermilk, Acidophilus, Lactaid
2%, Reduced-Fat Milk, Yogurt or Kefir, Lactaid
Whole, Evaporated Milk, Plain Yogurt, Lactaid, Goat Milk
Soy Milk - Regular Plain
Rice Drink Enriched - Low-Fat Plain
What type of meat or plant based proteins are you more likely to eat? *
Plant based proteins such as tofu, tempeh, soy based meatless foods, nuts?
Lean Meats: (skinless, trimmed fat, broiled or roasted) such as beef, buffalo, chicken, fish, ham, lamb, ostrich, pork, shellfish, turkey, veal, low fat or fat-free cheeses, low fat sausages or sandwich meat, egg whites or egg substitutes?
Medium-Fat Meats: (roasted or pan broiled) such as beef ground (75% to 85% lean), chicken fried with skin, fish fried, lamb ground, reduced fat sausages, turkey ground, reduced fat cheeses or whole eggs?
High-Fat Meats: (not recommended for a healthy eating plan) such as bacon (pork or turkey), spareribs, ground pork or pork sausage, cheeses, sandwich meats, sausages, hot dogs?
If you don't eat red meats or only eat chicken or fish, choose the meat type that includes what you eat.
How many servings of cooked dried beans, dried peas or lentils do you eat daily?
Are you a Vegetarian or Vegan?
When would you like to eat snacks?
If you have type 1 diabetes or need to take medication with food, when do you need a snack? Select as many snacks as you want.
Do you drink alcohol beverages every day?
If you have diseases of the liver or pancreas like diabetes, have been told to not drink alcohol beverages by your doctor or take medications that interact with alcohol beverages, choose none. If you are pregnant, choose none. Women can choose to drink one or less alcohol beverage per day and men can choose to drink two or less alcohol beverages per day. Providing this list of beverages with alcohol is not intended as a recommendation to drink alcohol, but an aid for adults to recognize the calorie impact drinking alcohol has on a managing weight. Adults who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should be responsible when they drink and do so in moderation. If you chose to drink alcoholic beverages, do not drink then drive a motor vehicle.