Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It is treated with aspirin for mild cases or steroids like prednisone for severe cases.
If you start taking steroids to reduce inflammation, then you will need to limit salt / salty foods and follow a diabetic nutrition therapy. Weight gain is another problem as steroids will increase your appetite. Steroids increase fluid retention and blood pressure, blood sugar and bone loss due to interference with calcium absorption. Limit caffeine-containing beverages and food. Also, steroids, depending on the dose, can cause the skin to become thinner and bruise more easily. You should stay out of the sun which can cause lupus flare-ups and wear sunscreen when you are outside to prevent sun damage to skin thinned by steroids.
A healthy balanced eating plan that contains adequate protein and calories appropriate for your height and weight is recommended for persons with lupus. Try the Healthy Body Calculator® to find out how many calories you need depending on your weight goal.