I have been taking Amitriptyline and Verapamil daily for migraine management. Do either of these mediations stimulate weight gain?

I have been taking 25 mg Amitriptyline and 120 mg Verapamil daily for migraine management for about 2 months now. Do either of these medications stimulate weight gain? Amitriptyline is an antidepressant. It increases your appetite for carbohydrates causing weight gain and may increase your need for riboflavin above your RDA, which is 1.3...

Can you tell me how to calculate calories and hydration for tube feedings?

Can you tell me how to calculate calories and hydration for tube feedings? Can you tell me the steps to what goes into a patient assessment if they were in the hospital? Thank you. You would need to take a look at their current weight, usual weight, stress factors (fever, infection, burns, etc) and lab...

My mom just started taking hydrazine sulfate today for her cancer. What foods contain Bovril or Marmite?

My mom just started taking hydrazine sulfate today for her cancer. It says not to eat anything with Bovril or Marmite as they will counteract the medicine and make it useless. It is extremely URGENT that I find out what foods contain these two ingredients and what exactly they are. Also, do you know if...

I am taking Nardil for depression understand I can’t eat aged foods.

I'm currently taking Nardil for depression. I understand that I can't eat any aged foods. The question I have is about the "real processed cheese food" available. I realize that this isn't real cheese, so I was wondering if this would be ok to eat. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated...

I am a quadriplegic and wish to lose weight.

I am a quadriplegic living in a health care center in Arizona. I am concerned with my weight and wish to lose weight. I am 32 years old and weigh 220 pounds and six feet tall, but the dietitian here is concerned with my protein level. She has me on a protein powder and...

Two people I know got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Is there connection between MS and one’s diet?

I know this sounds a little far-fetched, but I have a good reason for asking. Two people I know just simultaneously got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. One was a long-time vegetarian and the other a recovering anorexic. So... Could there be any validity to a correlation between MS and one's diet? At this time, many...

What foods to avoid feeding a person with gout?

I need to know what foods to avoid feeding a person with gout. It isn't protein that is limited, but foods high in purines many of which are also good sources of protein. Organ meats like liver, kidney, sweetbreads, brains, meat gravies and extracts, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, scallops and most wild game are not...

My aunt asked me to find a renal diet on the Internet.

My aunt just came home from the hospital. She lost one kidney and the other one had a blocked artery feeding it. She asked me to see if I could find a renal diet on the Internet. Could you help out? I would highly recommend your aunt see a Registered Dietitian who can read her...

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic who would like advice on diet.

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic through post-polio syndrome. She'd like some advice on a diet---i.e. what should she eat so as not to gain weight as she loses mobility. Any ideas? A healthy diet that limits fat to 30% of calories, three meals per day and a variety of foods using the...

Young father was told he has cirrhosis and needs to be on a 2-gram sodium diet.

As an RN (registered nurse) in a school health setting, I serve the family with children birth to 3 years of age. It is a home visitor program. One family is our concern. One young father (35 years of age) has been told he has cirrhosis and needs to be on a 2-gram sodium diet....