I do want to clarify something about Depo-Provera that does not confer benefits to your cholesterol.

I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading your answers. I am a pharmacist who frequently works with patients with high cholesterol and often have to explain certain things to patients about their diet. I am always looking for new ways to help encourage patients to stay on a healthy balanced...

My diagnosis of lupus was incorrect and I am getting thyroid antibodies checked.

Thanks for the reply. I had to go back to the doctor since writing as I had blepharitis, a swelling of the eyelids. My usual doctor was away and saw his partner only to have him tell me that the diagnosis of lupus is in his opinion incorrect and that I should have thyroid...

What could I change in my daily diet to help keep the ankylosing spondylitis flare-ups from happening?

I am a 36-year-old white male who has been diagnosed with AS (ankylosing spondylitis). I was wondering if there was something that I could change in my daily diet to help keep the flare-ups from happening. I currently take anti-inflammatory meds when pain occurs, but would rather not if I could help it with...

Do you have hints for spinal cord injuries dealing with body composition and nutritional / metabolic status?

Do you have any hints for patients with SCI (spinal cord injuries)? Are there any sites you know of containing that kind of information? I have only found two publication so far dealing with "body composition" and "assessment of the nutritional and metabolic status of paraplegics". Any help from your side would be highly appreciated!...

My boyfriend is taking a pill called Parnate and his doctor gave him a list of foods not to eat.

My boyfriend is taking a pill called Parnate and his doctor gave him a list of foods not to eat. Can't he even have a little Colby cheese or chocolate? Some of his most favorite foods were cut out. The pill he is on is called a MAO inhibitor (monoamine oxidase) which inhibits a brain...

Two people I know got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Is there connection between MS and one’s diet?

I know this sounds a little far-fetched, but I have a good reason for asking. Two people I know just simultaneously got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. One was a long-time vegetarian and the other a recovering anorexic. So... Could there be any validity to a correlation between MS and one's diet? At this time, many...

Is there any benefit to cycling lipids rather than giving continuous infusion to children?

Is there any benefit to cycling lipids rather than giving a continuous infusion to children? I haven't done IV hyperalimentation in years and cannot make a recommendation to you based on current nutrition therapy. Previously, lipids were cycled with the amino acids and glucose in a 24 hour period. Would highly recommend you talk to...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with kidney disease or high potassium blood levels?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with kidney disease or high potassium blood levels? The Renal Dietitians dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with patients with kidney disease and elevated blood potassium levels. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip...

I am on thyroid hormone and cannot lose weight no matter what I do.

I am hypothyroid (on Synthroid) and cannot lose weight no matter what I do. I am not a big eater and chose many low-fat items as part of the diet. I exercise 45 minutes per day (brisk walking). Is it possible that there could be another reason for the inability to lose weight? Have...

I have gout, Can you furnish me with a diet low in purines?

I have gout. Can you furnish me with a diet low in purines? I cannot take the medication due to the blood thinner I am taking for a blood problem. Gout is painful swelling in the feet. Medication is the treatment of choice for gout. I would suggest you get in touch with your doctor...