My diagnosis of lupus was incorrect and I am getting thyroid antibodies checked.

Thanks for the reply. I had to go back to the doctor since writing as I had blepharitis, a swelling of the eyelids. My usual doctor was away and saw his partner only to have him tell me that the diagnosis of lupus is in his opinion incorrect and that I should have thyroid...

What foods might be eliminated to help keep my bladder and kidneys healthy?

I've already eliminated added salt. I don't buy salt-free or low-salt, as they're generally more expensive. I don't do much fast food, basically just cook for myself. I'm 82, single and live alone. Happily! I have no idea what foods might be eliminated from my consideration to help keep my bladder and kidneys healthy. I'm very allergic...

I take Dipentum for ulcerative colitis. What nutrients are being effected by this drug?

I take Dipentum for ulcerative colitis. What nutrients are being affected by this drug? Dipentum is an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed for colitis. I checked with drug-nutrient interaction references and cannot find any negative nutrient problems. You should be taking Dipentum with food to avoid an upset stomach. Avoid any exposure to sunlight as it will...

I have Crohn’s disease with bowel resection and lupus. Is a vitaim deficiency responsible for my hair loss?

I am 35 years old and have had Crohn's for many years. I have had 8 feet of my small intestine removed and about 3 feet of my large intestine removed. I have also recently been diagnosed with Lupus. In the past year or more, my hair has been falling out rapidly. The root...

I am doing research on diet related health problems in Hawaii.

I am a Dietetics major at the University of Delaware. Currently, I am doing research on diet-related health problems in Hawaii over time. Most of the information I have found on this topic is vague, but generally describes that with the modern American influence, the people of Hawaii have stopped consuming much of their...

Does foods belonging to the nightshade family increase stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis?

I have rheumatoid arthritis and I have found that by eliminating foods belonging to the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and chili) I no longer have the morning stiffness that I found quite painful. Apparently, it is the solanine in these foods which caused the morning stiffness (for me anyway). However, these foods...

The doctor thinks I have lupus. Are there any foods which aggravate this disease and should be avoided?

I am a 53-year-old woman, overweight, cannot play sports since I had three vertebrae broken 8 years back, had a hysterectomy years ago, am on hormone treatment, diagnosed as hypoactive thyroid two years ago and been on thyroid pills and iron capsules. Last week had blood tests done and now hyperactive thyroid. The doctor...

What could I change in my daily diet to help keep the ankylosing spondylitis flare-ups from happening?

I am a 36-year-old white male who has been diagnosed with AS (ankylosing spondylitis). I was wondering if there was something that I could change in my daily diet to help keep the flare-ups from happening. I currently take anti-inflammatory meds when pain occurs, but would rather not if I could help it with...

Bladder & Urine Infections

  For women and men with interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infections or an overactive bladder, I want to provide you with good resources from a dietitian. Please consider "Confident Choices: Customizing the Interstitial Cystitis Diet" and "Confident Choices: A Cookbook for IC and OAB" by Julie Beyer, dietitian.          

I am taking an estrogen replacement and have a problem with water retention.

I am taking Prem-Pro estrogen replacement and find a huge problem with water retention. I already watch salt, but today my physician said to not drink carbonated beverages. How do they promote water retention? Thank you so much. You are absolutely correct to monitor the salt in your diet since a side effect of estrogen...