My aunt asked me to find a renal diet on the Internet.

My aunt just came home from the hospital. She lost one kidney and the other one had a blocked artery feeding it. She asked me to see if I could find a renal diet on the Internet. Could you help out? I would highly recommend your aunt see a Registered Dietitian who can read her...

Is thyroid hormone used to treat severly obese people?

Is thyroxin used to treat severely obese people? No, thyroxin is not used to treat obesity. Thyroxin is used to treat people whose thyroid doesn't produce enough which can be assessed by measuring the amount in the blood. Thyroxin is prescribed and usually taken for the remainder of life. The body to regulate the basal metabolic...

I have been taking Amitriptyline and Verapamil daily for migraine management. Do either of these mediations stimulate weight gain?

I have been taking 25 mg Amitriptyline and 120 mg Verapamil daily for migraine management for about 2 months now. Do either of these medications stimulate weight gain? Amitriptyline is an antidepressant. It increases your appetite for carbohydrates causing weight gain and may increase your need for riboflavin above your RDA, which is 1.3...

I have gout, Can you furnish me with a diet low in purines?

I have gout. Can you furnish me with a diet low in purines? I cannot take the medication due to the blood thinner I am taking for a blood problem. Gout is painful swelling in the feet. Medication is the treatment of choice for gout. I would suggest you get in touch with your doctor...

I take Dipentum for ulcerative colitis. What nutrients are being effected by this drug?

I take Dipentum for ulcerative colitis. What nutrients are being affected by this drug? Dipentum is an anti-inflammatory drug prescribed for colitis. I checked with drug-nutrient interaction references and cannot find any negative nutrient problems. You should be taking Dipentum with food to avoid an upset stomach. Avoid any exposure to sunlight as it will...

Thanks for you reply re: spondylitis and nutrition.

Thanks for your reply about spondylitis and nutrition. There are reams of studies, but few conclusions, as you may know, and even fewer "cures". During years of talking with people about spondylitis and being the subject of two university hospitals on the topic, I think doctors know very little more than which anti-inflammatory medicines...

I have Crohn’s disease with bowel resection and lupus. Is a vitaim deficiency responsible for my hair loss?

I am 35 years old and have had Crohn's for many years. I have had 8 feet of my small intestine removed and about 3 feet of my large intestine removed. I have also recently been diagnosed with Lupus. In the past year or more, my hair has been falling out rapidly. The root...

I am a quadriplegic. What is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch male with a medium frame?

I am 24-year-old C 5-6 (cervical 5th and 6th vertebrae) quadriplegic and have a couple of questions. First, what is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch tall male with a medium frame? Right after my injury, four and a half years ago, I was warned not to gain a bunch of...

I am doing research on diet related health problems in Hawaii.

I am a Dietetics major at the University of Delaware. Currently, I am doing research on diet-related health problems in Hawaii over time. Most of the information I have found on this topic is vague, but generally describes that with the modern American influence, the people of Hawaii have stopped consuming much of their...

I am a RN working in an intensive care unit and we must calculate the calories required for patients.

I am an RN working in an intensive care unit at a local hospital. For our patients on a ventilator, we must calculate the calories required. To do this we use the Harris-Benedict formula. My question is what is the correct formula. We have been told to use the factor of 655 when calculation...