I’ve been depressed since my husband left me and can’t seem to eat.

I have been really depressed lately since my husband left me. I just can't seem to eat. I have been losing weight. I was wondering what I could eat or especially drink that would have a lot of calories for me to gain weight. I have a hard time eating so drinking things is...

I am a quadriplegic and am working out in the gym 6 days a week.

Thank you for your most informative page. I have used it to inform myself and others who can use this valuable unbiased information. I am a recovering quadriplegic (central chord syndrome C3,6,7) and am working out in the gym 6 days a week. 3 on, one day off. I do upper body one day, lower...

I am on thyroid hormone and cannot lose weight no matter what I do.

I am hypothyroid (on Synthroid) and cannot lose weight no matter what I do. I am not a big eater and chose many low-fat items as part of the diet. I exercise 45 minutes per day (brisk walking). Is it possible that there could be another reason for the inability to lose weight? Have...

A friend reported getting a headache so severe he had to stop until it passed in a few minutes.

A friend of mine recently reported getting a headache so severe during intercourse that he had to stop what he was doing until it passed in a few minutes. It was so bad that he is afraid it may be serious. Any ideas on what it might be? I would highly recommend your friend see...

Have you any suggestions as to diet or alternative treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?

Have you any suggestions as to diet or alternative treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)? I have just received an "equivocal" diagnosis of lupus and hope to head it off at the pass! Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It is treated with aspirin for mild cases or steroids like prednisone for severe cases. If you start...

My husband experienced a bout with bad headaches. Could it be his diet?

My husband experienced a bout with bad headaches last July. After months, they finally went away. He constantly "diets", eats a lot of Snack Well products, drinks 0% fat milk and fruit and 1 or 2 diet colas per day. Has had every test for headaches, outside of allergy tests. After several months of...

I will have surgery that will require a clear liquid diet.

I am about to have some surgery that will require that I be on a clear liquid diet for an extended amount of time. I must shop for these things before surgery as I live alone. Could you please let me know if there is anything I can have on this diet other than...

For the last 5 months when I work, my feet ache and burn.

For the last 5 months the days I work my feet ache and burn. I'm a cashier so I am on my feet, but I've been at this job for nearly 10 years. I can tolerate the first 3 or 4 hours and then it's awful. Some days on my way home my feet...

Am working with a mental health specialist who asked to research foods that affect your mood.

I am a student dietitian from the UK and I am working with the mental health specialist. She has asked me to research on foods that can affect your mood. So far I have had little success and am writing to ask if you know more about this area of dietetics. I would be...

Is thyroid hormone used to treat severly obese people?

Is thyroxin used to treat severely obese people? No, thyroxin is not used to treat obesity. Thyroxin is used to treat people whose thyroid doesn't produce enough which can be assessed by measuring the amount in the blood. Thyroxin is prescribed and usually taken for the remainder of life. The body to regulate the basal metabolic...