I am a quadriplegic and am working out in the gym 6 days a week.

Thank you for your most informative page. I have used it to inform myself and others who can use this valuable unbiased information. I am a recovering quadriplegic (central chord syndrome C3,6,7) and am working out in the gym 6 days a week. 3 on, one day off. I do upper body one day, lower...

I am a quadriplegic and wish to lose weight.

I am a quadriplegic living in a health care center in Arizona. I am concerned with my weight and wish to lose weight. I am 32 years old and weigh 220 pounds and six feet tall, but the dietitian here is concerned with my protein level. She has me on a protein powder and...

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic who would like advice on diet.

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic through post-polio syndrome. She'd like some advice on a diet---i.e. what should she eat so as not to gain weight as she loses mobility. Any ideas? A healthy diet that limits fat to 30% of calories, three meals per day and a variety of foods using the...

I experience a lot of pain in my right arm and wrist.

I am a C6 quad. I was injured in 1996. Since my accident, I experience a lot of pain in my right arm and wrist. Doctors have tried everything to help me with this pain with no success now doctors are recommending a spinal cord stimulator. My question is do they work and do...

Do you have hints for spinal cord injuries dealing with body composition and nutritional / metabolic status?

Do you have any hints for patients with SCI (spinal cord injuries)? Are there any sites you know of containing that kind of information? I have only found two publication so far dealing with "body composition" and "assessment of the nutritional and metabolic status of paraplegics". Any help from your side would be highly appreciated!...

I am a quadriplegic. What is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch male with a medium frame?

I am 24-year-old C 5-6 (cervical 5th and 6th vertebrae) quadriplegic and have a couple of questions. First, what is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch tall male with a medium frame? Right after my injury, four and a half years ago, I was warned not to gain a bunch of...

Where can I find a dietitian works with spial cord injuries?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with spinal cord injuries? The Dietetics in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with patients with spinal cord injuries. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the...

I have compared your information about constipating foods with some other sources.

Thanks for your response. I replied to let you know about some of the conflicting advice out there. I have compared your information about foods that tend to be constipating with some other sources. One source is a spinal cord injury manual written by the staff of the Kessler Rehabilitation Hospital, where Christopher Reeve went...