How effective and safe are Chromium Picolinate and Fenfluramine as appetite suppressants?
How effective and safe are Chromium Picolinate and Fenfluramine as appetite suppressants?
Chromium Picolinate is sold over the counter as a nutritional supplement. Chromium works with insulin in assisting cells to take in glucose and release energy. Chromium Picolinate has not been shown to cause weight loss and its ability to improve insulin effectiveness has...
I’ve seen Chromium Picolinate advertised recently as a “metabolism boosting” diet supplement.
I've seen Chromium Picolinate advertised recently as a "metabolism boosting" diet supplement. Is there any merit to this claim?
No. Initially there was some speculation that since chromium is a component of the hormone insulin that additional chromium would enhance insulin's ability to break down glucose. Research has not supported this theory.
I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia.
I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia. Can a person vary on the amount taken daily? (i.e. take more when in a bad mood)
Also, is there a certain amount of sugar able to be taken that won't affect one's emotional state? Also, is there a recommended diet? Thank you in...
Is chromium recommended for exercise, insulin resistance, sugar consumption?
Is there any relationship between strenuous exercise, chromium and insulin resistance?
Would you consider a chromium supplement with a reduction in sugar consumption?
What are natural sources of chromium?
Does magnesium also factor into this?
I exercise treadmill/Stairmaster 6 to 7 days a week and blood sugar recently was up to 160 - 190 ranges. Lower carbohydrate/sugar has...
What do you know about Chromium Picolinate?
What do you know about Chromium Picolinate?
Chromium Picolinate is sold over the counter as a nutritional supplement. Chromium works with insulin in assisting cells to take in glucose and release energy. When chromium is lacking, the effectiveness of insulin is lessened and glucose tolerance is impaired. Deficiency is rare except in people who must...