What are ways to get iron if you do not eat red meat and iron pills make you sick?
What are other ways to eat iron if you do not eat red meat and iron supplement pills make you sick?
While red meats are the best source of heme iron which is highly absorbable. Leafy greens are a vegetable source which contains non-heme a lesser absorbable form of iron.
The drawback tho is that leafy...
Can men get their RDA for iron from their normal diet?
I take a multivitamin to supplement my diet. I have read, on a couple of occasions (don't ask me where), that men should use a multivitamin which does not contain iron. The reason, if I remember correctly, was that men could get their RDA of iron from their normal diet. Is this true?
Men who...
Cooking spaghetti sauce in a cast iron pot adds a lot of iron. Is iron absorbed?
I read in a parent's magazine that cooking spaghetti sauce in a cast iron pot adds a lot of iron. Is that iron the kind that is absorbed?
It is true that foods cooked in cast iron skillets are higher in iron. However, the form of iron is not absorbed as well. Laboratory nutrient analysis...
Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy?
Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy? I currently take Slow-Fe (iron) and a multivitamin but find that at the end of the day I am exhausted. Any suggestions? Thank you.
You didn't give me a lot of information to go on, but here are my thoughts. Since...
Should a man who eats red meat and supplements with a multivitamin take one that doesn’t contain iron?
Given an active male who eats a well-balanced diet, including red meat, green, leafy vegetables, and whole grains, and, who additionally supplements his diet with a multi-vitamin, should he choose a multi which does not contain iron?
I'm suggesting that he is getting plenty of iron in his normal diet. I think I read that...
Have you ever heard of pica and eating paper?
I am a 33-year-old married mother of one. I have what I feel is an embarrassing and possibly life-threatening disorder. Some years ago I was diagnosed as being anemic. The iron level was so low that the doctor asked if I ate or craved anything unusual. I told him that I crave and chew...
Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?
I couldn't find this issue addressed on your webpage. I hope this isn't a duplicate question. Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?
I have heard that dentists advise against it because it could damage your teeth. Is this true?
However, what I am really wondering is if it signifies any deficiency...
I crave red meat prior during my period. Is my body telling me it wants extra iron?
I've been finding that I seriously crave red meat prior to and during my period. Do you think that this is my body telling me that it wants extra iron during this time?
The last 6 months I have drastically reduced my red meat consumption due to the fat content. I have been charting my...
I was recently told I have low saturation levels of iron in my blood.
I was recently told I have low saturation levels of iron in my blood, although I am not anemic at the present time. I also have recently been diagnosed with an adrenal tumor that, so far, tests have shown to be benign. I have no systemic indications of malignancy. I'm being followed by a...
How would I get daily iron requirement if I eat a balanced diet, but no meat?
How would a person get their daily iron requirement if that person eats a balanced diet, but eats no meat?
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron is 10 milligrams for adult males and postmenopausal females. Males (ages 11 to 18) need 12 milligrams of iron per day. Females (ages 11 to 50 years) need...