I’m on a cardiac diet with Coumadin therapy – What foods should I avoid?

I'm on a cardiac diet with Coumadin therapy - What foods should I avoid? Coumadin is prescribed to prevent blood clots and increase the amount of time it takes your blood to form a clot. This allows the blood to flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels. You should have a consistent intake of vitamin K...

Does cooking destroy vitamin C?

Does cooking destroy vitamin C? Vitamin C is the most easily destroyed vitamin there is. It is destroyed by oxygen, heat (above 70 degrees Fahrenheit) and it leaks out into the cooking water because it is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is more stable in baked foods as it won't leak out into cooking water. To...

We agree carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, but are they a good source of vitamin D?

I have a general question for you. There is a dispute right now in my house about carrots having vitamin D. We all agree that they contain a large amount of vitamin A, but are they also a good source of vitamin D? Thank you. Carrots are not a good source of vitamin D which...

I have pernicious anemia and do you have information on that?

If you have time, I have pernicious anemia and wondered if you had any information on that? Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B 12. It would show up on a blood test because of the large immature red blood cells that are present. These large red blood cells are very inefficient...

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss?

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss? The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of vitamin E is 10 milligrams for the adult male and 8 milligrams for the adult female. Your RDA of vitamin E can be achieved without supplements by eating plant oils (vegetable oil, margarine, salad dressings), dark green and...

I take a vitamin supplement called carotene with 15 milligrams. Also take Stresstabs. Is that too much?

I am taking a vitamin supplement called carotene with 15 milligrams. The label says it can be converted to vitamin A, maximum 25,000 IU. Also, I take Stresstabs. Is that too much? Carotene is a precursor form of retinol vitamin A that your body uses. It is not as toxic as retinol, but at 25,000...

Can vitamin B6 help heal carpal tunnel syndrome?

Can vitamin B6 help heal carpal tunnel syndrome? Is it safe to take 50 milligrams three times a day? Thanks. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) has not been proven to heal carpal tunnel syndrome. It is not safe to take 50 mg three times a day as there has been documented neurological damage at intakes that high.

What B vitamin helps against mosquito bites?

What B vitamin helps against mosquito bites? One B vitamin called thiamin does in large doses seem to change a person's body odor. But there seem to be inconsistent results as to its effectiveness at repelling mosquitoes. The reason it seems to change body odor is that some excess thiamin is excreted through the skin....

What ingredients should I look for in a multivitamin?

I take a multivitamin every day. I figure it balances out what I don't eat right in my diet. What ingredients should I look for in a multivitamin? If the multivitamin has only 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for each nutrient in the supplement, it probably won't hurt you. There are RDA's for...

Why do dietitians not recommend vitamin / mineral supplements except those not getting the RDA?

I am an exercise physiologist and weight management, consultant. I enjoy your website and your comments, but I wanted to get your take on why the industry standard for dietitians is to not recommend vitamin/mineral supplements except for those who are not getting "The RDA". I don't really know how you feel, but I fundamentally...