My professor said that the reason the RDA is doubled is because vitamin supplement manufactures lobbied to keep it high. Do you know if this is true?<

I am taking a nutrition course this semester and my professor mentioned that the RDA is doubled what is actually required for a few reasons, one being to ensure there are no deficiencies and the other because some vitamin supplement manufacturers lobbied to keep it high, so we will purchase their product. Her second reason...

I’ve seen Chromium Picolinate advertised recently as a “metabolism boosting” diet supplement.

I've seen Chromium Picolinate advertised recently as a "metabolism boosting" diet supplement. Is there any merit to this claim? No. Initially there was some speculation that since chromium is a component of the hormone insulin that additional chromium would enhance insulin's ability to break down glucose. Research has not supported this theory.

Is chromium recommended for exercise, insulin resistance, sugar consumption?

Is there any relationship between strenuous exercise, chromium and insulin resistance? Would you consider a chromium supplement with a reduction in sugar consumption? What are natural sources of chromium? Does magnesium also factor into this? I exercise treadmill/Stairmaster 6 to 7 days a week and blood sugar recently was up to 160 - 190 ranges. Lower carbohydrate/sugar has...

What would be the correct way of discussing nutrient intakes in the US?

I am an American dietitian revising a United Kingdom nutrition book for the U.S. public. I was wondering what would be the correct way of discussing nutrient intakes for the general population (the book is designed for the general public). Should I talk about RDAs, USRDAs /RDI, or DRVs? What would be most appropriate? The...

I crave red meat prior during my period. Is my body telling me it wants extra iron?

I've been finding that I seriously crave red meat prior to and during my period. Do you think that this is my body telling me that it wants extra iron during this time? The last 6 months I have drastically reduced my red meat consumption due to the fat content. I have been charting my...

Which would you say is better vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements?

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with an extended essay that I have to write regarding vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements. Which would you say is the better? Do you know of any experiments that I could perform in order to prove which is the better? Thanks...

Am I lacking a certain vitamin or mineral that I should take to prevent bruising?

I have a question regarding bruising. I am a very active person, but I bruise a lot easier than I've noticed on other people. Also, when I do bruise, bruises stay for quite a while. I have started taking my multivitamin at the recommended dosage, but I am wondering if I am lacking a...

I am on Coumadin to thin my blood to prevent blood clots and having trouble regulating my dosage.

I am on Coumadin to thin my blood and prevent blood clots. I am having trouble regulating my dosage. My diet could be the problem. Could you send me a list of foods to avoid? The USDA has the best list of foods with vitamin K. In the table below, choose foods that add up...

I’d like to know what multivitamin cotains the highest content of vitamin A, D, E, and K?

I'd like to know what multivitamin contains the highest content of vitamin A, D, E, K. I would like to know where I could find this multivitamin. I cannot recommend one specific brand. In the US, multivitamins usually contain only 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances. Usually, only 17 nutrients (protein, vitamin A, D,...

I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia.

I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia. Can a person vary on the amount taken daily? (i.e. take more when in a bad mood) Also, is there a certain amount of sugar able to be taken that won't affect one's emotional state? Also, is there a recommended diet? Thank you in...