
I am concerned about the yellowish orange tint my skin has developed.

I am becoming concerned about the yellowish - orangish tint that my skin has developed. It is most noticeable on my palms and the pads of my feet, however, my entire body has it to some degree. I made drastic changes to my diet about two years ago. I have since lost 65 pounds and...

I eat loads of carrots when I am stressed. Am I overdosing on beta carotene?

I hope you might be able to answer my dietary query. I have recently lost a lot of weight- over 100 pounds. In order to do this, I have been eating loads of carrots, as I need to eat something when I am stressed, which is quite often. When I recently went to the doctor,...

Could you give me some more information on vitamin A?

I am a young student presently in the 9th grade. Your site is awesome! I am doing a project in biology class and I chose to do it on vitamin A. Your site was the only one that had some vital information on vitamin A. I was hoping that you could somehow give me...

I take a vitamin supplement called carotene with 15 milligrams. Also take Stresstabs. Is that too much?

I am taking a vitamin supplement called carotene with 15 milligrams. The label says it can be converted to vitamin A, maximum 25,000 IU. Also, I take Stresstabs. Is that too much? Carotene is a precursor form of retinol vitamin A that your body uses. It is not as toxic as retinol, but at 25,000...