Does cooking destroy vitamin C?

Does cooking destroy vitamin C? Vitamin C is the most easily destroyed vitamin there is. It is destroyed by oxygen, heat (above 70 degrees) and it leaks out into the cooking water because it is a water-soluble vitamin. To preserve vitamin C in food, store citrus fruits, tomatoes, juices, broccoli, green peppers, cantaloupe, and strawberries in...

Which would you say is better vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements?

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with an extended essay that I have to write regarding vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements. Which would you say is the better? Do you know of any experiments that I could perform in order to prove which is the better? Thanks...

I was pregnant and was not about to take any chances with high vitamin C.

I was pregnant when the issue first came up---about a year ago and believe me, I was not about to take any chances. The high vitamin C dependency makes sense. I know my dad. Any opinion that is not his will be questioned immediately! Thanks again. During pregnancy, the risk of birth defects rises steadily...

My doctor father wants me to take a high dose vitamin C supplement. Isn’t it dangerous?

My father, a general practitioner doctor who (in my opinion) tends to overmedicate, wants me to take this high dose vitamin C supplement. If I remember correctly, he recommends 50 milligrams a day. Isn't it dangerous to take such a high dose? Thanks. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for Vitamin C is 90 milligrams per...

Am I lacking a certain vitamin or mineral that I should take to prevent bruising?

I have a question regarding bruising. I am a very active person, but I bruise a lot easier than I've noticed on other people. Also, when I do bruise, bruises stay for quite a while. I have started taking my multivitamin at the recommended dosage, but I am wondering if I am lacking a...

I take a vitamin C supplement of 1000 milligrams as an antioxidant. What are the effects related to excess?

I am taking a supplement of 1 gram of vitamin C as an antioxidant. What are the collateral effects related to the excess of Vitamin C? First of all, it turns your urine yellow. It makes your urine more acid, which decreases urinary pH and the possibility of urinary tract infections. Beyond that 1 gram (1000...

I meant 50 grams a day seemed too much to me especially since I was pregnant at the time.

Thanks for the advice. Yes, I meant 50 grams a day and it seemed too much to me, especially since I was pregnant at the time and was not about to take anything experimental. My dad got his medical feelings hurt over the whole issue and is still mad at me. But this is...