I’d like to know what multivitamin cotains the highest content of vitamin A, D, E, and K?
I'd like to know what multivitamin contains the highest content of vitamin A, D, E, K. I would like to know where I could find this multivitamin.
I cannot recommend one specific brand. In the US, multivitamins usually contain only 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances. Usually, only 17 nutrients (protein, vitamin A, D,...
Dietary supplements actually help people or not?
In your experience do dietary supplements actually help people, are there more positive effects than negative?
Dietary supplements include vitamin, mineral, herbal and amino acid supplements. Because I am not sure to which you are referring I will respond about each.
It depends on which dietary supplement a person is taking and why they are taking...
Where can I find a dietitian who is smart about vitamin supplements?
Where can I find a dietitian who is smart about vitamin supplements?
The Nutrition in Complementary Care dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association has an interest in the role of alternative herbal, vitamin and mineral therapies in improving health and preventing disease. Their Find a Comp Care Nutritionist feature will help you locate...
Have you had an opportunity to check out Ideal Health?
Have you had an opportunity to check out Ideal Health? Also, feel free to contact me via this email account. I look forward to hearing from you.
Boy and I thought I had read everything!
First, any company that sells supplements is usually not a provider of accurate nutrition info. Typically these companies want to conclude...
I have been discussing with doctors this issue of the vitamins and urine.
I have been discussing with doctors this issue of the vitamins, but none could give me that convincing explanation and advice as you did. What you say make a lot of sense i.e. making expensive urine. Thanks a lot.
The reason I said you would make expensive urine is your body absorbs about 15% from...
What vitamins do you recommend that will give me a boost of energy?
What vitamins do you recommend that will give me a boost of energy during working hours?
If you want energy and to stay awake, eat more meat, fish or poultry than carbohydrates at breakfast and lunch. If you want to fall asleep, eat more carbohydrates at dinner. Also, don't eat too much food at one...
What ingredients should I look for in a multivitamin?
I take a multivitamin every day. I figure it balances out what I don't eat right in my diet. What ingredients should I look for in a multivitamin?
If the multivitamin has only 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for each nutrient in the supplement, it probably won't hurt you. There are RDA's for...
Please post the conversion factor between an international unit of a viatmin and its metric equivalent.
Please post the conversion factor between an international unit of a vitamin and its metric equivalent. i.e. how many IU = X milligrams or micrograms?
An international unit of a vitamin varies. I use the following table from "Food Chemistry and Nutritional Biochemistry by Zapsalis and Beck.
Vitamin A, 1 IU retinol = 0.300 - 0.344...
Is it advisable for non-pregnant adults to take pre-natal vitamin pills?
Is it advisable for non-pregnant adults (female and male) to take pre-natal vitamin pills?
Pre-natal vitamins contain nutrients at levels recommended for pregnant women. Increased amounts of folacin (folic acid), iron, calcium and vitamin C (improves iron and calcium absorption) can be present. Folic acid has been found to reduce neural tube defects (spina bifida)...
Are multivitamins helpful or harmful?
Are multivitamins helpful or harmful?
Depends on whether or not your diet contains enough food and variety to supply all the nutrients your body needs.
If you eat more than 1600 calories and a variety of food, you may be wasting your money and making some very expensive urine. Though, taking one multivitamin per day that...