Do they still encourage carboloading for athletes?

Do they still encourage carboloading for athletes? Yes, modified carboloading is still practiced. Carboloading started with marathon runners in an attempt to store as much muscle glycogen as possible, to run longer. Originally, the diet combined periods of exhaustive exercise and a low carbohydrate diet. A few days before an athletic event, the athlete was...

What’s the difference between powdered protein supplements such as whey and amino acid pills?

What is the difference between powdered protein supplements such as whey and amino acid pills? Whey is the clear liquid drained off milk during the making of cheese. It contains protein and all 8 essential amino acids are present, but not in sufficient quantity to be a sole source of protein unless you plan to...

I am looking for any information you might have for hydrostatic weighing.

I am a Physical Education major. I am looking for any information you might be able to email to me dealing with hydrostatic weighing. I am working on a major laboratory project and could use some assistance. The lab deals with percent body fat, so any additional info on that would help also. I...

I want to gain mass in the form of muscle mass or fatty mass as a football player.

Unlike most people, I want to gain weight. I work out heavily and am really interested in bodybuilding. I want to gain mass, in the form of muscles mass or fatty mass. But my main objective is to gain a lot of weight and fast. But safely. The reason is that I am a...

I was told that soft drinks are extremely bad nutritionally by my track coach.

I have been told that soft drinks are extremely bad nutritionally. I know that they have acids and sugars which are both bad for teeth, but I have also heard that they can lower bone density. I was also told by one of my track coaches that they could negate the effects of cardiovascular...

I am a basketball official. What is the best supplement to take on the shuttle run test?

On Friday I have a fitness test to take. The reason for the test is that I am a basketball official in the college and university ranks and they want to find out what officials are in the best of condition. The test is a shuttle run. I have to run 18 meters back...

Am I doing things OK for my goal of increasing lean body mass?

Hello. Just found your fantastic website via a post from one of the newsgroups. What an outstanding job you've done - it must have taken many hours to put it all together! (Does that count as "sedentary" time?) Background... I am male, 48, 6 feet 3 inches, 215 pounds. I workout on a somewhat...

Can you direct me to a nutrition / diet source I can use to educate young basketball players?

I am collecting articles for young basketball players to improve their game. One of the topics is nutrition/diet for athletes. Can you direct me to a source I can use to educate them? Have you read my exercise, fluids, My Plate, protein & amino acids and underweight topics? Try out the Healthy Body Calculator® which could...

I started weight training and began taking MetRx . Am I taking too much?

How do you know what combinations of what to take to provide adequately for your body's needs? I started weight training and began taking MetRx to the exclusion of my usual (GNC) Ultra-Mega-Gold. Then I heard about B/G Algae and take a couple of tabs of it per day. I also started taking Pycnogenol...

I’ve tried protein powders to gain weight and they didn’t work.

I want to gain weight. I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 180 pounds. I would like to get up to 190 pounds. I've tried protein powders and they didn't work. So now I'm trying yoga and yogurt. I work out a lot doing weight lifting and am really athletic. You do not need to gain...