I tried the powders and need to take in more calories and fat, but I am not sure of the foods I can consume.
Hi. I am 30 years old, 6 feet 2 inches and weigh a mere 135 to 140 pounds. I really would like to gain 10 to 15 pounds and maintain it. I would say that I do eat 3 regular meals a day and some in-between as well. A few years ago, (maybe 5)...
Some references say that diets rich in animal proteins promote excessive elimination of calcium in the urine.
Some references are saying that diets rich in animal proteins stimulate the release of parathyroid hormone and promote excessive elimination of calcium in the urine, which encourages bone resorption."
One reference indicated that the federal government, intending to be on the safe side, established its minimum Recommended Dietary Allowances for protein at twice the value...
Do I need to compliment milk and egg to make a complete protein?
I've read the Q and A on milk, eggs, and protein and still have a question. First is milk protein a complete protein?
Do I need to compliment milk protein and egg whites to make a complete protein?
Is the powdered egg white considered "raw" and therefore a problem with biotin?
I can't seem to find my...
Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended?
I've got a question of protein consumption one adult should have normally. Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended? Since I understand that over-doing those nutritious elements will not bring any benefit to the body as a whole functional unit, about this protein...
To suggest that a male weightlifter needs only 63 grams of protein per day reminds me of my high school football days.
Your attempts to give sound advice on sports nutrition are appreciated. However, it seems inappropriate that you give advice on matters, which are obviously outside the realm of your experience and expertise. To suggest that a male weightlifter needs only "63 grams of protein" per day reminds me of my high school football days...
When I enter 35% for my protein intake in your calculator, I get an error message that 35% is too high.
When I enter 35% for my protein intake in your Healthy Body Calculator®, I get an error message that 35% is too high. I am a weightlifter and this is not 'unreasonable'. Please fix this or find a way to enter whatever values we would like. I like your page and would like to...
Your information regarding protein requirements for weight training is being debated.
I just wanted to let you know that your information regarding protein requirements for weight training is being debated on the newsgroups called misc.fitness.weights. The title of the debate is "MetRx Protein Debate". I'm speaking of your protein topic.
I'm hoping that you will join the discussion and contribute with some empirical data, as most...
Are protein powders beneficial for you?
Are protein powders, pre-workout drinks, and other supplements like these beneficial for you?
For the average person who may or may not lift weights, protein powders are not beneficial and costly. Same for pre-workout drinks.
Drink 1 cup of water before you work out and drink at least 1 cup of water during workouts in hot,...
I’ve tried protein powders to gain weight and they didn’t work.
I want to gain weight. I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 180 pounds. I would like to get up to 190 pounds. I've tried protein powders and they didn't work. So now I'm trying yoga and yogurt. I work out a lot doing weight lifting and am really athletic.
You do not need to gain...
Can a person consume too much protein in a day?
Can a person consume too much protein in a day? What would happen if a person did consume too much?
Yes, a person can eat too much protein in a day. Protein, when eaten, is digested then absorbed as amino acids. Amino acids are normally used to build protein structures in the body such as...