What’s the difference between powdered protein supplements such as whey and amino acid pills?

What is the difference between powdered protein supplements such as whey and amino acid pills? Whey is the clear liquid drained off milk during the making of cheese. It contains protein and all 8 essential amino acids are present, but not in sufficient quantity to be a sole source of protein unless you plan to...

Should protein supplements be recommended to high school athletes that lift weights?

I’m a high school wrestling coach. From a clinical viewpoint should protein supplements (such a whey) be recommended to high school athletes that are lifting weights and trying to get stronger? I want them to get the most out of their time and effort, but also do not want to encourage something that a dietitian...

Is there any medical research to back recommendation to take whey protein?

I saw a patient who is taking whey as a powder in shakes and creatine, and another amino acid supplement to define his muscle. These supplements are very expensive as you know. I discourage him from doing this, but I wondered if there was any medical research or articles of any kind to back...

To suggest that a male weightlifter needs only 63 grams of protein per day reminds me of my high school football days.

Your attempts to give sound advice on sports nutrition are appreciated. However, it seems inappropriate that you give advice on matters, which are obviously outside the realm of your experience and expertise. To suggest that a male weightlifter needs only "63 grams of protein" per day reminds me of my high school football days...

I’ve tried protein powders to gain weight and they didn’t work.

I want to gain weight. I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 180 pounds. I would like to get up to 190 pounds. I've tried protein powders and they didn't work. So now I'm trying yoga and yogurt. I work out a lot doing weight lifting and am really athletic. You do not need to gain...

Can a person consume too much protein in a day?

Can a person consume too much protein in a day? What would happen if a person did consume too much? Yes, a person can eat too much protein in a day. Protein, when eaten, is digested then absorbed as amino acids. Amino acids are normally used to build protein structures in the body such as...

Does hard boiling an egg destroy some of the amino acids?

Does hard boiling an egg destroy some of the amino acids or does it remain the same as raw? Most of the amino acids (protein) in an egg are found in the white. The yolk is mostly fat. The amino acid content of a raw or cooked egg is basically the same, no matter how...

Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended?

I've got a question of protein consumption one adult should have normally. Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended? Since I understand that over-doing those nutritious elements will not bring any benefit to the body as a whole functional unit, about this protein...