I have a female friend who weighs between 100 to 105 pounds

Here is my question: I have a female friend who is 16 years old. She weighs between 100 to 105 pounds. Also, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall. She is doing several things. First, she went on a water diet and lost about 10 pounds. Then, she tried diet pills, once almost overdosed. Then,...

I would like to use the Healthy Body Calculator to attain a normal weight.

I really would like to use the Healthy Body Calculator® and get some feedback to help me attain a normal weight. Being 5 feet 5 inches and 110 pounds I am pretty sure that this is not a normal weight to have. I am also somewhat anorexic. For example, if you put a large...

I am 21 years old now, but my eating disorder started when I was 16.

I am 21 years old now, but my eating disorder started when I was 16. Most of the past 5 years were spent in hospitals or in a blur. I am 4 feet 10 inches weighing 130 pounds at the start. Which was truly overweight since my normal weight range was supposed to be...

She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging.

I wrote you yesterday about a friend. She is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 100 pounds. As you said she showed signs of bulimia/anorexia. I approached her and used all methods. She even said her doctor was concerned. She refuses help. She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging....

Where can I find a dietitian who works with anorexia?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with anorexia? The Behavioral Health Nutrition practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with patients who have eating disorders. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of service you...

I exercise everyday for 2 1/2 hours.

I do exercise every day for 2 1/2 hours. I eat very carefully. Yes, I am addicted to laxatives. I am afraid of what will happen if I stop. The dietitian I use to see (for more than 2 years) tells me that I am killing my insides that my bowels will stop working and...

I knew about the laxative recall so am thinking about taking water pills to fight the bloat.

I knew about the laxative recall. For awhile some of the laxatives were not on the market. I won't be going back to Renfrew. There is something about going back to a place where I spent 9 weeks back in 1992. The reason for the 105 is to fit back into pre-Renfrew pants. I looked...

Do you know what happens to the body when laxatives are overused?

Do you know what happens to the body when laxatives are overused? I am using 5 pills every night for the last few years. Lately, I am been waking up in middle of the night with terrible stomach pains. I am wondering if the laxatives have an impact on my stomach. Don't tell me to...

Is my friend too thin at 95 pounds?

I'm so glad I found your site on the Internet! Eating disorders are hardly acknowledged in Asia and I'm starting to get really worried about my best friend. My friend has been on this crazy diet for 6 months since we started freshman year at law school and she's lost 17 kilograms (37.4 pounds)! She...

I will lose control of my weight if stop taking laxatives.

I feel like I will lose control of my weight if stop taking the laxatives. I even take the laxatives with me when I go out at night so I won't miss laxatives time. Renfrew (eating disorder clinic) thinks I should come back to them so I can get myself off the pills. I talked...